All currently available courses

911: Responding to Medical Emergencies

How will you respond when a child sustains a serious injury or experiences a medical emergency while in your care? This module supports the creation of an emergency response plan and offers guidance on when to call for help from Emergency Medical Services (EMS). It also discusses the practice of implementing regular drills to help professionals recognize the warning signs of a medical emergency, which can reduce confusion when managing real-life emergency situations. (1 hour)

A Good Night’s Sleep: How Sleep Affects Health

Sleep is as essential to good health as nutrition and physical activity. Researchers continue to discover ways in which sleep affects health in children. Recent connections have been made between sleep and hormone regulation as it relates to the risk of obesity. Association between brain development, cognitive and behavioral effects are areas of interest as well. This lesson explores the relationship of sleep and health including helpful tips and recommendations for age-specific requirements. (2 hours)

Achieving 21st Century Skills Through Project-Based Learning

Out-of-school programs and early care settings are seeking ways to build excitement and relevance into their programming. Project-based learning (PBL) is an answer to that need. This lesson provides an overview of the phases of PBL, planning guide, and examples of how staff members in a variety of settings facilitate child-directed investigations. As learners read the content, review the videos, and complete reflection assignments, they will begin to sketch out a preliminary inquiry plan to implement in their own care setting. (2 hours)

Active Play for Preschoolers with Autism—WE PLAY

WE PLAY stands for Wellness Enhancing Physical Activity for Young Children. This course is designed to provide early childhood educators with tools and support to facilitate active play with preschool children. WE PLAY offers strategies for incorporating physically active play into preschool, including adaptations for children with autism spectrum disorder. (2 hours)

Addressing ACEs with Brain-based Approaches in Trauma-informed Care

Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in young children affects the developing brain in ways that may impact behavior, cognitive development and physical health. As research uncovers greater knowledge and understanding of how ACEs can modify the brain, the need to implement practices that counterbalance the influence of the stress response is key to effective interventions. This module explores the impact of ACEs on the brain and offers strategies that incorporate brain-based approaches to enable more positive outcomes for young children who have experienced ACEs. (2 hours)

Adventurous Opportunities in OST Programming: The Whys and Hows

Adventure is exciting to children and meets important development needs, but facilitating risk-taking, thrill-filled experiences can be a challenge to the staff of regulated OST and youth development programs. Learn the research behind, and strategies for facilitating highly physical, sensory-rich, culturally appropriate learning experiences. This module presents examples of staff incorporating adventure elements into everyday program experiences in a variety of OST settings. (3 hours)

Adventurous Play: The Whys and Hows

Adventurous play goes by many names—messy play, nature-based play, big body play. It is exciting to children, meeting important development needs, but facilitating this type of play can be a challenge to the staff of regulated early care programs. This module presents the research behind and strategies for supporting young children as they make choices and assess risks during highly physical, sensory-rich play. It presents examples of rigorous, big body play in a variety of care settings. (3 hours)

Adverse Childhood Experiences: Building Resilience

Children who experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) face an increased risk for social-emotional, physical and mental health issues. ACEs include abuse, neglect, poverty and other traumatic experiences encountered before the age of eighteen. This module promotes the awareness and understanding of trauma in young children and families and discusses the role of early care and education professionals in nurturing resilience in the children and families in their care who experience ACEs. (2 hours)

Advocacy: Raising Awareness for the Early Childhood Professional

This lesson is about exploring advocacy to deepen our understanding of the early childhood system, and to deepen our roles as early childhood professionals. Find out about the variety of advocacy roles and multiple resources that help to prepare you for, and learn about, advocacy. (1 hour)

Antiracism (Part 1): Self-awareness and Communication

To be antiracist is to take action against racism. Early childhood education (ECE) programs that do antiracist work look closely at how racism and inequity impact children, families, and educators and use antiracism as a lens to root out, name, and address racial biases. As programs shift their culture toward antiracism, competencies can guide best practices. This course introduces antiracism and two competencies for culturally responsive teaching—knowing your cultural lens and culturally responsive communication. (2 hours)

Antiracism (Part 2): Program Policy and Family Engagement

Early care and education (ECE) professionals working toward antiracism use culturally responsive competencies like recognizing and addressing biases in systems and building partnerships with families to create equitable programs. This course explains how racism can hide in program policies and how bias can influence practices. Creating a program culture where educators’ and families’ voices are included in the reworking of program structures to address racism and bias’s unfair impact is an essential step toward becoming an antiracist program. (2 hours)

Antiracism (Part 3): Culturally Responsive Teaching

Early care and education (ECE) professionals who bring antiracism into their classrooms use culturally responsive teaching competencies to guide their practice. This course focuses on two such competencies: using children’s culture to shape curriculum and instruction; and promoting respect for differences within and between racial groups. In addition, this course explains children’s developing awareness of race as a social category and offers information on ways to support all children’s healthy growth and development. (2 hours)

Antiracism (Part 4): Physical and Emotional Environments

Antiracist early care and education professionals create learning environments where children from all racial, ethnic, and linguistic backgrounds feel valued. This course focuses on two competencies antiracist educators use to guide their practice: creating emotionally safe learning environments that promote connectedness and belonging and maintaining high expectations for all learners. (2 hours)

Apoyo al Proceso de Decisión de Vacunación Infantil

Este curso está diseñado para administradores de programas, propietarios/operadores y educadores de niños de 6 meses a 5 años. Explorará los desafíos y las posibles estrategias de apoyo que los profesionales de ECE pueden tomar para apoyar a las familias a medida que toman decisiones importantes sobre el desarrollo de la salud de sus hijos. Cuando las familias están empoderadas, los resultados para los niños pequeños mejoran. (2 horas)

Básicos de Salud y Seguridad: Requisitos para Certificación

Todos los profesionales del cuidado infantil son responsables de mantener a los niños en su cuidado sanos y seguros. Las personas que cuidan y enseñan a los niños necesitan saber 1) cómo crear espacios seguros, 2) utilizar prácticas seguras con los niños, 3) desarrollar e implementar estrategias diarias de prevención y gestión de enfermedades, y 4) tener un plan para mantener a los niños seguros en caso de emergencia. Este módulo de seis horas, ofrece una visión general de todos los temas de salud y seguridad necesarios de Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG) (Cuidado de y Desarrollo de los Niños Block Grant (CCDBG). (6 hours)

Becoming a 21st Century Skills Program

This lesson outlines the 21st Century Skills education reform model, its components and goals. Learners will review the rationale behind this educational movement as well as effective strategies and examples of ways to integrate traditional content learning (3 R’s—reading, writing, and arithmetic) with 21st Century Skills learning (4 C’s—critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, and creativity and innovation). (2 hours)

Beyond Counting: Strategies to Support Preschool Math Development

Research documents that the pre-kindergarten skills that most impact a child’s future academic success are math skills and yet only 58 seconds of the typical 5-hour preschool day is spent on math activities. More than half of all three-year-old classrooms offer no math experiences. Gain confidence and learn proven strategies and programming ideas for weaving math into emergent and teacher-led curriculum. Receive resources to support math talk that can significantly improve a child’s success. (2 hours)

Big Emotions and Self-Regulation for Adults and Children

Big emotions are part of the human experience for both children and adults. It is what one does with these feelings that is important. Big emotions like anger and frustration can happen at any time. Early childhood education (ECE) professionals who are prepared and able to understand their own emotions and those of children can better support children as they learn about and navigate feelings and behaviors and build self-regulation. (2 hours)

Biting Behaviors and Positive Guidance

Biting is a common challenge in ECE settings. Understanding children's development is a critical factor in addressing biting behaviors. An educator's use of socially and emotionally responsive strategies related to biting behaviors contributes to positive guidance with children. Learn why biting occurs, strategies to respond rather than react to children, the importance of gathering data, proactive ways to prevent biting, and ways to support children's health and safety when biting happens. (2 hours)

Building Community Support for Out-of-School Time Programs

This lesson examines the benefits of developing community partnerships to start and maintain quality out-of-school time programs. This lesson provides ideas and strategies to assist providers in identifying and building supportive community partnerships that allow programs to maximize resources that can benefit children, families, the program and the community. (2 hours)

Building Relationships with Children and Youth Who Challenge Us

This lesson focuses on what you can do to build positive relationships with all children – even the ones who challenge you. Learn about temperament traits and how to use them as a tool to help you understand behavior and develop ideas to meet the needs and interests of children and youth. (2 hours)

Career Preparation in Out-of-School Time Programs

Offering a curriculum in career preparation in OST programs can both engage youth and provide an important service to children, families, and industries. In this module professionals will learn how to meet this need of school-age youth in age-appropriate ways—including building awareness, offering opportunities, and formal career preparation programs. Professionals will learn how to find career resources, plan lessons, communicate with families, and partner with community organizations. (3 hours)

CDA Credential: An Introduction and Professional Reflection

Studies show that well-educated, skilled caregivers are the basis for quality care and learning programs. The CDA (Child Development Associate) Credential is one of many ways to build knowledge and expertise as an early childhood professional. This lesson provides an introduction to understanding the CDA Credential, the CDA process, and its possible fit as a professional development path for the early educator. (2 hours)

CDA Success! Prepare the Final Steps To Earn Your CDA Credential

Have you finished the 120 hours of CDA coursework, yet still need guidance in finishing the CDA process? This course will help you to clearly understand and complete the final phases toward earning your CDA Credential. Explore strategies to wrap up and refine your CDA Professional Portfolio. Gain access to useful tools and explore professional practices that will help you to confidently prepare for and complete your CDA application and Verification Visit (observation and exam). (3 hours)

Changing Spaces

When play problems occur over and over, child care practitioners need to be able to step back and look critically at their space arrangement to see if that is the source of the problem. Explore some key elements to consider in child care space arrangement that include types of spaces and their uses, and arranging activity areas in a room to meet the goals of your program. (2 hours)

Child Assessment: An Introduction

This lesson explores child assessment techniques in early childhood programs. Discover what factors to consider when choosing or developing assessment tools and resources. Learn how assessment can be used for lesson and program planning. Understand the role of the early childhood practitioner and families in the assessment process. (2 hours)

Child Development: An Introduction to Learning Theories

This lesson explores what it means to understand and apply various learning theories in the classroom and in teaching. Discover what concepts to consider when determining activities, lessons, and materials that are appropriate for an age group and for individual children. (2 hours)

Children Can Cook

Cooking with young children is an important way for them to learn through sensory exploration. Safety concerns, as well as the potential “mess” often prohibit families and early educators from including children in cooking activities. This lesson provides practical guidance for fun and manageable ideas to encourage children in the development of their culinary skills. (2 hours)

Children's Grief, Loss, and Healing

This course helps cultivate grief-informed practices and preparations that support children's mental health and wellness. Expand your understanding of grief literacy and the ability to apply grief-sensitive approaches to confidently tend to children's grief, loss, and healing. This course distinguishes professional preparations to apply before, during, and following various types of loss children may face to meet the developmental and coping needs of young children. (2 hours)

Children's Healthy Development in a Changing Climate

Early childhood professionals are uniquely positioned to help shape climate resilience. Awareness of climate change is critical in recognizing young children's physiologically distinct vulnerability to climate hazards, such as excessive heat, increased flooding, and poor air quality. Through the lens of climate change, this course weaves together child-centered, climate-resilient, and equitable strategies to reduce risks, increase protective factors, and comprehensively ensure children's healthy development now and in the future. (2 hours)

Click2Science: ¡Es cosa de dos! Estimulando el Trabajo Colaborativo de STEM

Los científicos e ingenieros trabajan juntos regularmente para resolver problemas y construir explicaciones del mundo natural. En el futuro se requerirá aun más la colaboración de trabajadores del siglo 21. En este modulo los facilitadores de OST aprenderán cómo hacer hincapié en el trabajo en equipo en las experiencias de STEM para ayudar a los jóvenes a perfeccionar esas habilidades. Los practicantes comparten consejos sobre los proyectos, el establecimiento del ambiente, y la gestión de grupos que fomentan el aprendizaje cooperativo. Se proporcionan instrucciones fáciles de descargar para varios retos de STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: ¡Tome Nota! Apoyar la Documentación del Aprendizaje de STEM

Documentar el aprendizaje puede ser una carga a veces, especialmente en un entorno activo de tiempo fuera de la escuela donde los niños van y vienen todo el tiempo del programa. Sin embargo, mostrar evidencia del aprendizaje puede ser la tabla de salvación de la financiación y la supervivencia de un programa. En este módulo, revise ejemplos prácticos del "por qué", "qué" y "cómo" de los procesos de documentación de STEM. Aprenda cómo documentar perfectamente el aprendizaje y cómo involucrar a los niños en el registro de su propia comprensión y de sus logros. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Acoger el Aprendizaje Activo de STEM

Los niños y los jóvenes nacen listos para explorar. Muchas escuelas y programas de tiempo fuera del horario escolar (OST) hacen hincapié en un estilo basado en la investigación del aprendizaje. ¿Qué se necesita para apoyar las experiencias activas de STEM en los programas OST? Este módulo incluye una variedad de ideas de programas interactivos, información sobre el movimiento Maker emergente, y ejercicios que guían a los facilitadores a medida que integran investigaciones activas en el currículo. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que ayudan a que el aprendizaje de STEM encaje con los niños en edad escolar y los jóvenes. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Aprendizaje Práctico para la Mente - Reflexionar y Procesar en STEM

El personal de los programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela construye actividades atractivas para la juventud. Sin embargo, es posible que pasen por alto un elemento importante en la experiencia de investigación de STEM: el proceso de reflexión sobre las actividades de STEM para que sean una experiencia de aprendizaje más significativa. Este módulo contiene ejemplos de lenguaje utilizado por los facilitadores y varias experiencias de STEM a tratar. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que, cuando se unen, crean un rico ambiente de aprendizaje permitiendo que STEM tenga sentido para los niños. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Aprendizaje Conectado

Los facilitadores que trabajan fuera del tiempo escolar tienen el reto de hacer interacciones STEM más eficaces con los niños mediante la conexión de experiencias previas con los conocimientos o inquietudes anteriores de los niños. Aprenda estrategias efectivas de enseñanza para que coincidan con los intereses y las habilidades de los niños en una experiencia STEM. Esta lección es una de las veinte Lecciones Click2Science diseñadas para ayudarle al personal de primera línea a facilitar las experiencias STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Asking Purposeful Questions

Out-of-school time leaders can have a unique impact on the science, technology, engineering, and math skills of school-age children. This lesson is one of 20 Click2Science lessons designed to help frontline staff facilitate STEM experiences. It features interactive experiences, handouts, and videos that will nurture the ability to ask purposeful questions, enhancing a child’s STEM learning. It includes both basic and “stretch” information about intentional questioning techniques. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Ayudando a los estudiantes a desarrollar y a ampliar sus explicaciones de STEM

Los programas de horario fuera del tiempo escolar (OST) les proporcionan a los niños en edad escolar oportunidades para jugar y explorar. En este módulo los facilitadores aprenden cómo maximizar el valor de estas experiencias, ayudando a los niños a terminar el proceso de aprendizaje, desarrollando y comunicando las explicaciones sobre lo que han descubierto. El desarrollo de las explicaciones es una habilidad STEM importante, ligada a las habilidades de pensamiento crítico y de la comunicación del siglo 21. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Conexión a Carreras de STEM

Los facilitadores de tiempo fuera de la escuela aprenderán acerca de la necesidad que los niños de hoy tienen de convertirse en adultos bien equipados para cubrir los puestos de trabajo que requieren de la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas. Los líderes de jóvenes aprenderán estrategias y verán ejemplos de cómo lograr que los niños en edad escolar se entusiasmen con las carreras de STEM. Aprenda cómo conectarse con los profesionales de STEM dentro de la comunidad para mejorar la programación. Esta lección es parte de las veinte habilidades Click2Science diseñadas para ayudar al personal de primera línea a facilitar experiencias de STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Conexión con Socios Comunitarios

Los programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela refuerzan el aprendizaje de STEM mediante el desarrollo y la profundización de las relaciones con los socios de la comunidad. Las industrias ricas en STEM y las organizaciones académicas y comunitarias interesadas en STEM aportan su experiencia y creatividad a los esfuerzos de ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas para los estudiantes en edad escolar. Aprenda cómo ir más allá de simplemente completar un proyecto de colaboración para construir una relación con los interesados. Revise los programas modelo, el asesoramiento de los practicantes, las guías de planificación y haga una actividad sencilla de STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Connected Learning

Out-of-school time facilitators have the challenge of making STEM interactions with children more effective by connecting planned experiences with previous knowledge or concerns of the children. Learn effective teaching strategies to match a STEM experience with children’s interests and skills. This lesson is one of twenty Click2Science lessons designed to help frontline staff facilitate STEM experiences. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Connecting to STEM Careers

Out-of-school time facilitators will learn about the need for today’s children to become equipped to fill jobs requiring science, technology, engineering, and math skills. Youth leaders will learn strategies and view examples of how to get school-age children excited about STEM careers. Learn how to connect with STEM professionals within the community to enhance programming. This lesson is part of the twenty Click2Science skills designed to help frontline staff facilitate STEM experiences. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Connecting with Community Partners

Out-of-school time programs strengthen STEM learning by developing and deepening relationships with community partners. STEM-rich industries, interested academic and community-based STEM organizations bring expertise and creativity to school-age science, technology, engineering, and math efforts. Learn how to go beyond simply completing a joint project to building a relationship with stakeholders. Review model programs, practitioner advice, planning guides and a simple STEM activity. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Creación de Espacios Seguros para el Aprendizaje de STEM

Los jóvenes necesitan un espacio seguro para el aprendizaje de las habilidades de STEM en programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela (OST). Un espacio seguro incluye la seguridad física, así como la seguridad emocional y social que deben ser parte de la cultura de todos los programas de después de la escuela. A través de las experiencias interactivas y de los recursos, aprenda habilidades para crear un espacio seguro para los jóvenes para sus experiencias de aprendizaje de STEM y para centrarse en los intereses y los niveles de desarrollo de los jóvenes. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que ayudan a despertar el interés de los niños en edad escolar y de los jóvenes. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Creating a Safe Space for STEM Learning

Youth need a safe space for learning STEM skills in after school programs. Safe space includes physical safety as well as emotional and social safety that should be a part of the culture of all after school programs. Through interactive experiences and resources, learn skills to create a safe space for youth for STEM learning experiences and to focus on interests and developmental levels of youth. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that help STEM click for school-age children and youth. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Darle el Control a la Juventud

Cuando los jóvenes tienen el control de su aprendizaje están más comprometidos, aprenden habilidades como la auto-determinación, el establecimiento de metas y la toma de decisiones, y son más propensos a disfrutar del aprendizaje. Este módulo cuenta con experiencias y recursos interactivos para ayudarle a los facilitadores a aprender habilidades para darle el control a los jóvenes de su experiencia de aprendizaje y a centrarse en los intereses y niveles de desarrollo de la juventud. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que ayudan a que el aprendizaje de STEM sea más atractivo para los niños en edad escolar y para los jóvenes. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Desarrollando una Identidad de Ciencias e Ingeniería

La falta de una "identidad" de STEM se cita a menudo como una de las principales razones por las que los jóvenes no persiguen cursos y carreras de STEM. Aprenda la verdad sobre el desarrollo de la identidad, y maneras de nutrir una mentalidad de crecimiento en los niños en edad escolar en su cuidado. Pruebe varias actividades de identidad mientras aprenden cómo impactar la próxima generación de estudiantes de ciencias. Este módulo incluye ejemplos prácticos de los profesionales y de los amplios recursos que están disponibles en línea para animar a los jóvenes a perseguir su potencial de STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Despertando el Interés de los Niños en STEM

Los líderes que trabajan fuera del tiempo escolar pueden tener un impacto único en la ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, y matemáticas de los niños en edad escolar. Esta lección es una de las 20 lecciones Click2Science diseñadas para ayudar al personal de primera línea a facilitar las experiencias de STEM. Mediante el uso de experiencias básicas y de "estiramiento", folletos y vídeos los estudiantes obtendrán nuevas estrategias que despertarán los intereses de los niños manteniendo su participación en investigaciones de STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Developing a Science and Engineering Identity

The lack of a STEM “identity” is often cited as one of the main reasons that young people don’t pursue STEM courses and careers. Learn the truth about identity development. Learn to nurture a growth mindset in the school-age children in your care. Try out several identity activities while learning how to impact the next generation of science learners. This module includes practical examples from practitioners and ample on-line resources to encourage youth to pursue their STEM potential. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Embracing Active STEM Learning

Children and youth are born ready to explore. Many schools and out-of-school time (OST) programs now emphasize an inquiry-based style of learning. What does it take to support OST active STEM experiences? This module includes many hands-on program ideas, information on the emerging Maker Movement, and exercises that guide facilitators as they integrate active investigations into the curriculum. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that help STEM click for school-age children and youth. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Giving Youth Control

When youth have control of their learning they are more engaged, learn skills such as self-determination, goal setting and decision-making, and are more likely to enjoy learning. This module features interactive experiences and resources to help facilitators learn skills to give youth control of their learning experience and to focus on interests and developmental levels of youth. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that help STEM click for school-age children and youth. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Group Management During STEM

Managing active children during science and engineering projects can be challenging even for seasoned out-of-school time staff. Learn how to structure STEM experiences and space for the most positive group interactions and learning. Through the advice of experts and front line staff, this module provides resources for safe, engaging group time during STEM experiences. Planning checklists and several activity instructions are included in this module. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Hacer evaluaciones auténticas de aprendizaje de STEM

La evaluación es un elemento esencial, pero a menudo se pasa por alto como parte del aprendizaje de STEM en los programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela (OST). Este módulo cuenta con experiencias y recursos interactivos para ayudarle a los facilitadores a aprenden habilidades para incluir la evaluación auténtica en las experiencias de aprendizaje de STEM para los jóvenes. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que ayudan a que STEM tenga sentido para los niños en edad escolar y para los jóvenes. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Haciendo Preguntas Intencionales

Los líderes que trabajan fuera del horario escolar pueden tener un impacto único en la ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería, y matemáticas en los niños de edad escolar. Esta lección es una de las 20 lecciones Click2Science diseñadas para ayudar al personal de primera a facilitar las experiencias de STEM. Cuenta con experiencias interactivas, folletos y videos que nutrirán la capacidad de hacer preguntas intencionadas, mejorando así el aprendizaje STEM de un niño. Incluye tanto la información básica como la que va a "estirar" el conocimiento del uso de técnicas para hacer preguntas intencionales. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Helping Learners Develop and Expand STEM Explanations

Out of school time (OST) programs provide school-age children with opportunities to play and explore. In this module facilitators learn how to maximize the value of these experiences by helping children to finish the learning process, developing and communicating the explanations about what they have discovered. Developing explanations is an important STEM skill, linked to the 21st century skills of critical thinking and communication. (2 hours)

Click2Science: It Takes Two! Encouraging Collaborative STEM Work

Scientists and engineers work together on a regular basis to solve problems and build explanations of the natural world. 21st century workers will be required to collaborate. In this module OST facilitators will learn how to emphasize teamwork in STEM experiences to help youth refine those skills. Practitioners share tips on projects, environment set-up, and group management that encourage cooperative learning. Easy-to-download instructions for several STEM challenges are provided. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Making Authentic Assessments of STEM Learning

Assessment is an essential but often overlooked part of STEM learning in after school programs. This module features interactive experiences and resources to help facilitators learn skills to include authentic assessment of youth STEM learning experiences. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that help STEM click for school-age children and youth. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Manejo de Grupos Durante STEM

Gestionar con los niños activos durante los proyectos de ciencia e ingeniería puede ser un reto incluso para el personal más avanzado de tiempo fuera de la escuela. Aprenda cómo estructurar las experiencias y el espacio de STEM para tener interacciones y aprendizaje de grupo más positivos. A través del asesoramiento de expertos y de personal de primera línea, este módulo provee recursos para tener momentos seguros e interesantes durante las experiencias de grupo de STEM. Listas de planificación y varias instrucciones para actividades se incluyen en este módulo. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Maximizar el Espacio de STEM

El diseño del ambiente puede afectar la forma en la que los jóvenes participan y experimentan la ciencia, la ingeniería, y el aprendizaje de las matemáticas en un programa de tiempo fuera de la escuela. Aprenda cómo configurar el espacio y organizar los materiales para maximizar la participación de los jóvenes, y vea las estrategias de los practicantes que incluyen el uso creativo del espacio interior y al aire libre y sobre los materiales de composición abierta. Aprenda formas de crear espacios asequibles para el cuestionamiento y la investigación que se diferencien de los entornos escolares tradicionales. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Maximizing STEM Space

How staff arrange the environment can impact the way youth engage and experience science, engineering, and math learning in an out-of-school time program. Learn how to set up space and arrange materials to maximize youth involvement. Strategies from practitioners include creative use of outdoor and indoor space and use of open-ended materials. Learn how to create affordable spaces of wonder and inquiry that differ from traditional school environments. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Minds-On Learning – Reflecting and Processing in STEM

Out-of-school time staff build programs with engaging activities for youth. However, they may miss an important element in the STEM inquiry experience: the process of reflecting on STEM activities to make a more meaningful learning experience. This module contains examples of facilitators’ language and several STEM experiences to try. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that, when woven together, create a rich learning environment allowing STEM to click for children. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Modelar los Procesos de Ciencia e Ingeniería

Hacer preguntas, probar ideas y ver cómo funcionan las cosas, de eso se trata la investigación científica. El personal de programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela (OST) apoya a los jóvenes en este proceso mediante el modelado de estas habilidades para los niños bajo su cuidado. Los adultos que saben que los descubrimientos no suelen suceder en un orden lineal pueden cumplir con los niños en cualquier momento en que surja su curiosidad y guiarles en investigaciones más profundas. Este módulo incluye ejemplos de video y recursos descargables para equipar al proveedor en este papel de capacitación. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Modeling Science and Engineering Processes

Asking questions, trying ideas, and seeing how things work--that’s what scientific inquiry is all about. Out of school personnel support youth in this process by modeling these skills to the children in their care. Knowing that discoveries don’t usually happen in a linear order allows adults to meet children wherever their curiosity emerges and to guide them to deeper investigations. This module includes video examples and downloadable resources to equip the provider in this coaching role. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Preparándose para facilitar STEM

El personal de tiempo fuera del horario escolar (OST) tiene una oportunidad única para impactar el aprendizaje de las ciencias, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas (STEM) de los niños en edad escolar. Este módulo cuenta con experiencias interactivas, folletos de recursos, y videos para ayudar al personal a prepararse para facilitar las experiencias de STEM para satisfacer los intereses y niveles de desarrollo de los jóvenes y proporcionar un aprendizaje de STEM para los jóvenes y el personal. Este módulo es parte de las veinte competencias de Click2Science diseñadas para ayudar al personal de primera línea a facilitar las experiencias de STEM. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Preparing Yourself to Facilitate STEM

Out-of-school (OST) time staff have a unique opportunity to impact the science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) skills of school-age children. This module features interactive experiences, resource handouts, and videos to help staff prepare to facilitate STEM experiences to meet the interests and developmental levels of youth and provide STEM learning for youth and staff. This module is part of the twenty Click2Science skills designed to help frontline staff facilitate STEM experiences. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Probando, probando 1_2_3

El personal de OST y los voluntarios pueden apoyar intencionalmente la fase de pruebas y repetición de pruebas de las experiencias de ciencia e ingeniería para nutrir esta habilidad en los jóvenes de hoy. Las personas que se sienten cómodas con las pruebas y la repetición de pruebas están en mejores condiciones de conseguir trabajo que requiere habilidades de STEM del siglo 21 (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas). Aprenda los conceptos básicos sobre las pruebas durante una experiencia de investigación y vea ejemplos de pruebas de entornos de OST. Pruebe una experiencia de STEM simple que el personal pueda utilizar para introducir la idea de probar variables de ensayo con los niños. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Seleccionando Actividades de STEM

El personal y los voluntarios de tiempo fuera del horario escolar (OST) tienen la oportunidad única de impactar la ciencia, la tecnología, la ingeniería y las matemáticas de los niños. Esta lección es parte de las veinte habilidades de Click2Science diseñadas para ayudar al personal de primera línea a facilitar experiencias de STEM. Esta lección cuenta con experiencias interactivas y folletos para la selección de actividades de STEM para satisfacer los intereses y niveles de desarrollo de la juventud, proporcionando oportunidades de aprendizaje STEM para los jóvenes y el personal, y para la búsqueda de recursos para las actividades. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Selecting STEM Activities

Out-of-school time (OST) staff and volunteers have a unique opportunity to impact the science, technology, engineering, and math skills of children. This lesson is part of the twenty Click2Science skills designed to help frontline staff facilitate STEM experiences. This lesson features interactive experiences and handouts for selecting STEM activities to meet the interests and developmental levels of youth, providing STEM learning opportunities for youth and staff, and finding activity resources. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Sparking Interest in STEM

Out-of-school time leaders can have a unique impact on the science, technology, engineering, and math skills of school-age children. This lesson is one of 20 Click2Science lessons designed to help frontline staff facilitate STEM experiences. Through both basic and “stretch” experiences, handouts, and videos learners will gain new strategies for sparking children’s interests and maintaining their participation in STEM investigations. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Take Note! Supporting Documentation of STEM Learning

Documenting learning can be a burden at times, especially in an active out-of-school-time setting where children are coming and going throughout the program time. Yet showing evidence of learning may be the lifeline to a program’s funding and survival. In this module, review practical examples of the “why,” “what,” and “how” of STEM processes documentation. Learn how to seamlessly document learning and how to involve children in recording their own understanding and accomplishments. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Testing-Testing-1-2-3

People who are comfortable with testing and retesting are better equipped for 21st Century STEM work. OST staff and volunteers can intentionally support the testing and retesting phase of science and engineering experiences to nurture this attitude in today’s youth. Learn the basics about testing during an inquiry experience and view examples of testing from OST settings. Try a simple STEM experience that staff can use to introduce the idea of testing variables to children. (2 hours)

Coaching + Mindfulness = Mindful Coaching

The development of mindful practice strategies offers a pathway for educational coaches to maintain a healthy sense of personal well-being and balance and enhance the coaching process. Mindful coaching practices nurture relationships, cooperation, creative thinking, and contribute to equity in the coaching process. The process of effective coaching can improve teacher practices, reduce stress, boost thinking skills, and improve child outcomes. (3 hours)

Coaching and Mentoring: Supporting Staff (for Center Directors)

The goal of supporting educators in their work with young children is to strengthen their skills and practices so that they become better educators. Providing quality professional development through coaching and mentoring is a key factor in improving the knowledge and practice of those caring for children, and in improving outcomes for children. In this lesson, coaching will be discussed as a way to support staff professional development, and as a way to support strong child outcomes. (2 hours)

Coaching Conversations: Support Quality Practice

Practice-based coaching is a collaborative partnership where coaches and teachers refine select skills and strategies, ultimately improving child outcomes. Carefully planned coaching conversations are components that support teachers along the journey to excellent practice. This module presents a wide range of examples, demonstrating a variety of coaching skills. The module includes many opportunities for coaches to practice and refine language for their own supportive conversations. (3 hours)

Coaching from the Teacher’s Lens: Preparing and Finding Teacher Voice

Coaching is increasingly used in early childhood education (ECE) programs as an opportunity to support professional development and cultivate optimal teacher reflection, practice, and effectiveness. Through the lens of the teacher, this module explores teacher voice and its importance in preparing for coaching experiences that lead to quality coaching outcomes. The module shares comprehensive strategies to build knowledge of the coaching process and coaching collaborations. (3 hours)

Coaching Module 1 REDI BKC

The REDI coaching model involves the use of specific strategies and processes to help teachers move from understanding the REDI program, to practicing it effectively. In this coaching module the topics include: defining the coaching process, monitoring and observing lessons, and assessment tools and their use in coaching. (1 hour)

Coaching Module 2 REDI BKC

The REDI coaching model involves the use of specific strategies and processes to help teachers move from understanding the REDI program to practicing it effectively in the classroom. In this coaching module, the topics include goal-setting and planning with teachers using the REDI Program Benchmarks to provide feedback. (1 hour)

Coaching Module 3 REDI BKC

The REDI coaching model involves the use of specific strategies and processes to help teachers move from understanding the REDI program to practicing it effectively in the classroom. This coaching module provides information on problem-solving with teachers during a coaching session. (1 hour)

Coaching Through Questions

Questions create a doorway to new vistas and fresh ideas. Every coach needs to be confident engaging with staff through curious, powerful, delicious questions. National and state coaching competencies specifically mention questioning skills. Learn to invite a partner to share perspectives and to think brave thoughts. Exercise your questioning muscles in practice situations. Document the question-answer exchange. Question yourself—reflecting on coaching strengths and areas for growth. (3 hours)

Communicate Effectively With Children

Expand your ability to communicate meaningfully with young children! Children learn best when the adults around them communicate in ways that are nurturing, culturally affirming, and connected to how children learn. Discover how intentional communication practices have a cascading effect on children's positive learning outcomes and lifelong behaviors. This course distinguishes effective communication techniques designed to support children's relationship skills and early language and literacy skill development. (2 hours)

Community-Based Services: Connect Families

Community-based services provide families and children with needed resources and information. Early care and education (ECE) professionals who learn about their community’s resources, and connect families with these resources, provide an important bridge to services. Family engagement is foundational to supporting this process. ECE professionals who build relationships with families are better able to communicate with, collaborate with, and provide information to families. (2 hours)

Concientización y Manejo de Diabetes en niños pequeños

El número de niños pequeños diagnosticados con diabetes está incrementando. La DT1 frecuentemente se identifica por niveles elevados de glucosa en sangre (hiperglucemia) o Cetoacidosis Diabética, una condición que pone la vida en riesgo. Los signos y síntomas de CAD pueden confundirse con resfriado, influenza o incluso otros virus frecuentes en población infantil por lo que la concienciación resulta vital. El cuidado adecuado y el manejo de la DT1 es vital para un crecimeinto y desarrollo óptimos así como para prevenir las complicaciones en etapas posteriores. Este módulo provee información para los cuidadores de niños pequeños sobre los signos y síntomas así como información básica y cuidado de un pequeño con DT1. (2 hours)

Connecting to Military Children through Books

Children’s books can benefit young children in many ways in addition to building early literacy skills. They can satisfy children’s curiosity, help them think through tough situations, and support their growing understanding of themselves, other people, and the world around them. This lesson explores many different ways that children’s books can be used with children from military families to connect to the military parts of their lives. (1 hour)

Construyendo Relaciones con Niños y Jóvenes que Nos Desafían

Esta lección se enfoca en lo que usted puede hacer para construir relaciones positivas con todos los niños - incluso los que le desafían. (2 hours)

Cooking Matters — Choose Healthy Foods for Kids

Positive early childhood experiences surrounding food and the social environment are critical for shaping healthy eating behaviors later in life. In this course, childcare providers will recognize their role in establishing healthy attitudes and behaviors towards food among the children in their care. (2 hours)

Cooking Matters — Create Positive Mealtime Attitudes

Positive early childhood experiences surrounding food and the social environment are critical for shaping healthy eating behaviors later in life. In this training, childcare providers will recognize their role in establishing healthy attitudes and behaviors towards food among the children in their care. (2 hours)

Cooking Matters — Meal Appeal and Parent Engagement

Child care providers learn to safely prepare more scratch-cooked meals for the children in their care. Early childhood is an ideal time to instill an appreciation for the consumption of a variety of healthy foods. This course will examine various ways to engage children and parents to encourage acceptance of healthy foods among children in their care. Strategies for communicating with parents about best practices for feeding children will also be discussed so the children can hear similar messaging at home. (2 hours)

Cooking Matters — Safe Cooking with Confidence

Child care providers learn to safely prepare more scratch-cooked meals for the children in their care. This course includes an overview of food skills and food safety as well as examples of CACFP-approved recipes. (2 hours)

Cooking Matters — Save Time and Money on Menu Planning

In this course, learners will practice food shopping skills and discuss menu planning strategies they can use to make the most of their food dollars when preparing meals for children in their care or at home. (2 hours)

Creando Momentos Especiales con Bebés y Niños Pequeños

Los momentos especiales deberían ocurrir más a menudo que la celebración de los cumpleaños de los niños o cuando alcanzan los hitos del desarrollo. Esta lección le ayudará a descubrir cómo crear momentos especiales con sus bebés y niños pequeños todos los días. Aprenda cómo convertir el cambio de pañales y otras tareas de rutina en los momentos especiales que se comparten con cada niño. (2 horas)

Creating Intergenerational Connections

This lesson focuses on involving senior adults in child care and education programs. Discover the benefits to the children, senior adults, your program, and you when seniors are involved. (2 hours)

Creating Special Moments with Infants and Toddlers

Special moments should occur more often than celebrating children’s birthdays or when developmental milestones are reached. This lesson will help you discover how to create special moments with infants and toddlers every day. Learn how to turn diaper changing and other routine tasks into special moments that you share with each child. (2 hours)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: CLAD – Diversidad Cultural, Lingüística, y de Capacidades

Cuando los profesionales de Cuidado Infantil Familiar (CIF) son conscientes de CLAD – diversidad cultural, lingüística y  de capacidades – están mejor preparados para apoyar los valores únicos e individuales, las fortalezas y el potencial de cada niño y familia dentro de su programa. (2 horas)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Experiencias Atractivas para Habilidades Mixtas

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Experiencias Atractivas para Habilidades Mixtas presenta estrategias específicas para ayudar al plan del proveedor de cuidado infantil familiar y facilitar experiencias emocionantes para un grupo de niños que tienen una amplia gama de intereses y habilidades. El módulo incluye instrucciones para actividades específicas en una variedad de centros de aprendizaje en el típico hogar familiar de cuidado infantil. (2 horas)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Superar Barreras para Conducir Actividades Físicas Divertidas

Los proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar enfrentan desafíos únicos para ofrecer y participar en actividades físicas con los niños bajo su cuidado. (2 horas)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Mejores Prácticas de Cuidado de Bebés en Entornos de Edad Mixta

Cuidar a los bebés y a los niños mayores al mismo tiempo en el cuidado infantil familiar es un desafío. Los profesionales de atención familiar deben comprender las licencias actuales y las investigaciones relacionadas con el cuidado de los bebés (desde el nacimiento hasta los once meses). (2 horas)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Primeros Pasos

Las personas que cuidan niños en sus hogares les proporcionan un importante servicio a los padres y a la comunidad. (2 hours)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Fomentar la Curiosidad por Medio de Estratégias Basadas en la Investigación

¿Se pregunta usted sobre la investigación? (2 horas)

Cuidado Infantil Familiar: Un Papel Único en el Apoyo del Compromiso Familiar

Los programas de cuidado infantil familiar están en una posición única para apoyar las prácticas de participación familiar de calidad que contribuyen a resultados positivos para los niños y las familias. (2 horas)

Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators

Educators who develop self-awareness through mindful practice can better recognize how their emotions and thoughts contribute to their ability to listen to, communicate with, and respond to children with compassion and care. This course, based on the work of the Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators (CHIME) Program from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, highlights four mindful areas of practice—breathing, listening, emotions, and speech—and how these areas support social-emotional learning (SEL) to promote a caring and equitable ECE community.

Cultural Diversity and Responsiveness in Early Childhood Education

Effective early childhood education (ECE) professionals understand and embrace diversity—cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity (CLAD). They support the unique and individualized values, strengths, and potential of each child and family. This module explores how to gather insights and effective strategies grounded in research to support culturally responsive teaching practices as well as fair and equitable opportunities that lead to positive outcomes for all children. (3 hours)