Better Kid Care courses provide professional development that is approved for Act 48 hours. Learn how to obtain Pennsylvania Act 48 professional development credits for completing BKC On Demand online courses.

Who is affected by the requirements of Act 48?

All educators holding Pennsylvania public school certification including Instructional I and II, Educational Specialist I and II, Administrative, Supervisory, Letters of Eligibility and all vocational certificates. Also included are non-certified teachers and administrators employed by charter schools. Teacher educators who do not yet have a PDE ID can obtain a 7-digit ID number at the PA Department of Education website.

How to report Act 48 hours to Better Kid Care

Educators are responsible for submitting an Act 48 Request Form after receiving their Better Kid Care Certificate of Completion. NOTE: You do not need to complete the request form after each courseyou can submit multiple course completions using the same online request form.

Upon receipt of an Act 48 request form, staff at Better Kid Care will verify that a reasonable amount of time was spent completing each course. It is expected that videos are viewed in full, reflection responses indicate your understanding and application of course content, handouts are opened and reviewed, and assessments are completed. BKC reserves the right not to report Act 48 hours to PDE that do not meet this criteria.

Please allow up to 3 weeks from the date you submit your Act 48 Request Form to the Better Kid Care office for your hours to appear on the PDE website.

If you have further questions, please contact Better Kid Care.