Big Emotions and Self-Regulation for Adults and Children

Big emotions are part of the human experience for both children and adults. It is what one does with these feelings that is important. Big emotions like anger and frustration can happen at any time. Early childhood education (ECE) professionals who are prepared and able to understand their own emotions and those of children can better support children as they learn about and navigate feelings and behaviors and build self-regulation. (2 hours)

Child Assessment: An Introduction

This lesson explores child assessment techniques in early childhood programs. Discover what factors to consider when choosing or developing assessment tools and resources. Learn how assessment can be used for lesson and program planning. Understand the role of the early childhood practitioner and families in the assessment process. (2 hours)

Click2Science: ¡Tome Nota! Apoyar la Documentación del Aprendizaje de STEM

Documentar el aprendizaje puede ser una carga a veces, especialmente en un entorno activo de tiempo fuera de la escuela donde los niños van y vienen todo el tiempo del programa. Sin embargo, mostrar evidencia del aprendizaje puede ser la tabla de salvación de la financiación y la supervivencia de un programa. En este módulo, revise ejemplos prácticos del "por qué", "qué" y "cómo" de los procesos de documentación de STEM. Aprenda cómo documentar perfectamente el aprendizaje y cómo involucrar a los niños en el registro de su propia comprensión y de sus logros. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Hacer evaluaciones auténticas de aprendizaje de STEM

La evaluación es un elemento esencial, pero a menudo se pasa por alto como parte del aprendizaje de STEM en los programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela (OST). Este módulo cuenta con experiencias y recursos interactivos para ayudarle a los facilitadores a aprenden habilidades para incluir la evaluación auténtica en las experiencias de aprendizaje de STEM para los jóvenes. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que ayudan a que STEM tenga sentido para los niños en edad escolar y para los jóvenes. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Making Authentic Assessments of STEM Learning

Assessment is an essential but often overlooked part of STEM learning in after school programs. This module features interactive experiences and resources to help facilitators learn skills to include authentic assessment of youth STEM learning experiences. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that help STEM click for school-age children and youth. (2 hours)

Click2Science: Take Note! Supporting Documentation of STEM Learning

Documenting learning can be a burden at times, especially in an active out-of-school-time setting where children are coming and going throughout the program time. Yet showing evidence of learning may be the lifeline to a program’s funding and survival. In this module, review practical examples of the “why,” “what,” and “how” of STEM processes documentation. Learn how to seamlessly document learning and how to involve children in recording their own understanding and accomplishments. (2 hours)

Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators

Educators who develop self-awareness through mindful practice can better recognize how their emotions and thoughts contribute to their ability to listen to, communicate with, and respond to children with compassion and care. This course, based on the work of the Cultivating Healthy Intentional Mindful Educators (CHIME) Program from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, highlights four mindful areas of practice—breathing, listening, emotions, and speech—and how these areas support social-emotional learning (SEL) to promote a caring and equitable ECE community.

Find Fun and Meet Standards in Emergent Curriculum

Break free from standardized learning plans. Explore a world where plans and possibilities emerge from the minds and enthusiasm of teachers and children living life together. Review child-originated, teacher-framed curricula examples. Discover how to satisfy learning standards and give children choice and flexibility in their experiences while in your care. (2 hours)

Improving and Using Your Observation Skills

Learning child observation skills can be a powerful tool for solving some of the most difficult problems faced by child care providers. Concerned about a child’s behavior? Want to know how to plan successful activities? Observation skills can help. Learn more about each child and his/her development using the methods of observation in this lesson. This lesson provides examples of good observation techniques and demonstrates skills necessary for useful observations. (2 hours)

Observation with Purpose: Attachment and Teacher-Child Relationships

Numerous attachment theorists identify the importance of children’s early, secure attachment bonds. Children’s relationships with their significant caregivers are the primary means for fostering healthy social and emotional development. This module introduces research and information focused on the attachment relationship, with special emphasis on observing and documenting teacher-child relationship quality to support positive outcomes for children. (3 hours)

Observation with Purpose: Curriculum and Learning

How children spend their day has long lasting implications. Curriculum is much more than a collection of activities to do with children. A good curriculum takes into consideration research, individual needs, child development principles, and early learning standards. This module explores strategies to use observation and assessment to support children’s learning and skill development, to plan developmentally informed activities, and to meet curriculum goals and early learning standards. (3 hours)

Observation with Purpose: Environmental Quality

Research finds that children’s well-being and ability to learn is substantially impacted by the quality of their early learning environment. This module focuses on two significant aspects of environmental quality in the early childhood classroom: relationships and rich interactions, and physical setting and learning materials. Special emphasis is placed on observation and assessment of the learning environment to make improvements and support positive outcomes for children. (3 hours)

Observation with Purpose: Language and Literacy

Research shares that the quality of children’s early language experiences impacts their language and cognitive development. Early care and education professionals (ECE) support children’s language and literacy development when they provide intentional and strategic opportunities for children to engage in language rich interactions and activities. The focus of this module emphasizes the use of observation and assessment data to guide and support children’s language and literacy development. (2 hours)

Observation with Purpose: Observation and Assessment

Observation is important to understand a child and to assess and enhance learning and development. Observations take many forms, both formal and informal. This module explains the use of observation within teaching, examines how observation enhances interactions, identifies best practices for observing an individual child or group of children, and introduces a variety of observation tools and methods that are commonly used in early childhood programs. (3 hours)

Observation with Purpose: Professional Collaborations

Early childhood education (ECE) professionals benefit from coordinated collaborations with a wide range of early learning professionals, specialists, and programs (e.g. education, social services, health). Through collaborations, ECE professionals gain knowledge and information to support children and families. This module focuses on how professional collaborations strengthen and inform the observation and assessment process in the early learning setting. (3 hours)

Observation: An Introduction

Explore what it means to implement observation in your classroom and in your teaching. Learn about the value of observation and what factors to consider when you plan, record, and reflect on your observations. (2 hours)

Observation: Discover and Strengthen Connections

Research has proven that the better the connection and relationships children have with the primary caregivers in their lives, the better they learn. Through observation, caregivers get to know each child and the child’s family, and discover what skills a child needs to practice as he develops. Plan observations, analyze what you observe, share information with families, and decide how to use the information to inform your work with children. (2 hours)

Observation: Methods and Strategies

Good observations enable educators to plan quality programs to engage children in active learning as well as address concerns. Choose, plan for, and implement observation methods to match observation goals in the early care and education setting. Learn about the tools needed to observe and document observations. (2 hours)

Preschool Foundations: Observe, Document, and Assess

Observation, documentation, and assessment are fundamental tools used to carefully monitor a child’s development. The overall purpose is to help early care and education professionals decide how to support each child's development. Learn about observation, documentation, and assessment to help identify and support children’s interests, developmental ability, and progress. Use assessment activities to review and build on quality care for preschoolers. (2 hours)

PYD Mastery: Child and Youth Observation and Assessment

This mastery module will enable current and aspiring administrators of children and youth ages 5-18 to explore the steps they need to take to incorporate a plan for child and youth observation and assessment into their ELO programs. This includes knowing what components to assess, understanding different types of assessments, and selecting and implementing appropriate assessment tools. Also included are ways to use the resulting data to adjust program offerings to ensure positive youth development. (2 hours)

Social-Emotional Learning and a Positive Classroom

A positive classroom climate, grounded in social-emotional learning (SEL) practices, supports an affirming and equitable environment that nurtures children's growth and development. Strong teacher-child relationships grounded in SEL practices contribute to and promote a safe, belonging, inclusive, and identity-affirming community for children. Educators who strengthen their SEL skills and understanding are better able to support a positive classroom climate and community.

Supporting Historically Marginalized Youth in STEM

Historically marginalized youth are severely underrepresented within the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. In this course, we will describe factors that contribute to the STEM diversity gap; provide guidance for out-of-school time professionals and STEM educators working with historically marginalized youth; and provide resources to engage and connect historically marginalized youth to STEM opportunities.