Practical tips for families. These short publications on various child topics are great to share with your friends, family, and other child care providers.
The Gift of Art. Includes (1) talking about Art, (2) Art appreciation basics, and (3) books can be a window into the world of art.
Keep Curiosity Strong: Most children are born curious, but many children lose their curiosity all too soon. As a parent, you can do a great deal to keep the flame of curiosity strong.
Topics include: learning about measurement, learning about patterns and sorting, and learning about shapes and space.
Includes: make your child a savvy consumer, teach your child to save, buy buy buy does not spell L-O-V-E, think before you buy, books and resources for children and adults.
Topics include: What Is the Simplest Way to Improve Your Child's Behavior? and Bedtime Routines
Five plants that are easy for children to grow and activities to do with the plants. Also information on the Sounds of Summer and making a home for crickets.
Topics include: changes are hard, dinner conversations, and read books about time.
Children’s behavior can frustrate adults. What can you do to help children learn appropriate behavior? When you learn WHY children behave as they do, you have new ways to approach HOW to prevent challenging behaviors. The next time your child doesn’t follow the rules, figure out the “why” behind the behavior, and try a new way to respond.