Exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in young children affects the developing brain in ways that may impact behavior, cognitive development and physical health. As research uncovers greater knowledge and understanding of how ACEs can modify the brain, the need to implement practices that counterbalance the influence of the stress response is key to effective interventions. This module explores the impact of ACEs on the brain and offers strategies that incorporate brain-based approaches to enable more positive outcomes for young children who have experienced ACEs. (2 hours)
Biting is a common challenge in ECE settings. Understanding children's development is a critical factor in addressing biting behaviors. An educator's use of socially and emotionally responsive strategies related to biting behaviors contributes to positive guidance with children. Learn why biting occurs, strategies to respond rather than react to children, the importance of gathering data, proactive ways to prevent biting, and ways to support children's health and safety when biting happens. (2 hours)
This lesson explores what it means to understand and apply various learning theories in the classroom and in teaching. Discover what concepts to consider when determining activities, lessons, and materials that are appropriate for an age group and for individual children. (2 hours)
Los científicos e ingenieros trabajan juntos regularmente para resolver problemas y construir explicaciones del mundo natural. En el futuro se requerirá aun más la colaboración de trabajadores del siglo 21. En este modulo los facilitadores de OST aprenderán cómo hacer hincapié en el trabajo en equipo en las experiencias de STEM para ayudar a los jóvenes a perfeccionar esas habilidades. Los practicantes comparten consejos sobre los proyectos, el establecimiento del ambiente, y la gestión de grupos que fomentan el aprendizaje cooperativo. Se proporcionan instrucciones fáciles de descargar para varios retos de STEM. (2 hours)
Los jóvenes necesitan un espacio seguro para el aprendizaje de las habilidades de STEM en programas de tiempo fuera de la escuela (OST). Un espacio seguro incluye la seguridad física, así como la seguridad emocional y social que deben ser parte de la cultura de todos los programas de después de la escuela. A través de las experiencias interactivas y de los recursos, aprenda habilidades para crear un espacio seguro para los jóvenes para sus experiencias de aprendizaje de STEM y para centrarse en los intereses y los niveles de desarrollo de los jóvenes. Esta es una de las 20 habilidades de facilitación de STEM que ayudan a despertar el interés de los niños en edad escolar y de los jóvenes. (2 hours)
Youth need a safe space for learning STEM skills in after school programs. Safe space includes physical safety as well as emotional and social safety that should be a part of the culture of all after school programs. Through interactive experiences and resources, learn skills to create a safe space for youth for STEM learning experiences and to focus on interests and developmental levels of youth. This is one of 20 STEM facilitation skills that help STEM click for school-age children and youth. (2 hours)
La falta de una "identidad" de STEM se cita a menudo como una de las principales razones por las que los jóvenes no persiguen cursos y carreras de STEM. Aprenda la verdad sobre el desarrollo de la identidad, y maneras de nutrir una mentalidad de crecimiento en los niños en edad escolar en su cuidado. Pruebe varias actividades de identidad mientras aprenden cómo impactar la próxima generación de estudiantes de ciencias. Este módulo incluye ejemplos prácticos de los profesionales y de los amplios recursos que están disponibles en línea para animar a los jóvenes a perseguir su potencial de STEM. (2 hours)
The lack of a STEM “identity” is often cited as one of the main reasons that young people don’t pursue STEM courses and careers. Learn the truth about identity development. Learn to nurture a growth mindset in the school-age children in your care. Try out several identity activities while learning how to impact the next generation of science learners. This module includes practical examples from practitioners and ample on-line resources to encourage youth to pursue their STEM potential. (2 hours)
Scientists and engineers work together on a regular basis to solve problems and build explanations of the natural world. 21st century workers will be required to collaborate. In this module OST facilitators will learn how to emphasize teamwork in STEM experiences to help youth refine those skills. Practitioners share tips on projects, environment set-up, and group management that encourage cooperative learning. Easy-to-download instructions for several STEM challenges are provided. (2 hours)
Expand your ability to communicate meaningfully with young children! Children learn best when the adults around them communicate in ways that are nurturing, culturally affirming, and connected to how children learn. Discover how intentional communication practices have a cascading effect on children's positive learning outcomes and lifelong behaviors. This course distinguishes effective communication techniques designed to support children's relationship skills and early language and literacy skill development. (2 hours)
Cuando los profesionales de Cuidado Infantil Familiar (CIF) son conscientes de CLAD – diversidad cultural, lingüística y de capacidades – están mejor preparados para apoyar los valores únicos e individuales, las fortalezas y el potencial de cada niño y familia dentro de su programa. (2 horas)
Cuidar a los bebés y a los niños mayores al mismo tiempo en el cuidado infantil familiar es un desafío. Los profesionales de atención familiar deben comprender las licencias actuales y las investigaciones relacionadas con el cuidado de los bebés (desde el nacimiento hasta los once meses). (2 horas)
It is often the permanent trauma children face, such as death or loss, that challenges early educators and caregivers. What should we do or say? What do children really understand about death? Death stops educators in their tracks and reminds them how little their background in education or life experiences prepare them for understanding and responding to the children in their care. Although child care professionals are not experts in grief counseling and support, there are strategies to consider for supporting children. (2 hours)
Early Intervention (EI) consists of services and supports designed to help children who have developmental delays/special needs, and their families. Because early educators work so closely with children, they play an important role in identifying and supporting children’s developmental strengths and challenges. This module focuses on understanding Early Intervention services and the pivotal role early education providers play as part of the EI team. Awareness of EI helps! (2 hours)
Really great caregivers don't have all the answers to children's questions. They turn those questions around to get children thinking and exploring. This lesson offers ways to help children develop their reasoning and problem solving skills. (2 hours)
Learn ways to bring out nurturing, caring behaviors in children to create a classroom community where children support each other. Learn how to use non-competitive games to foster acceptance of all children. Identify the strengths and weaknesses for both you and the children in your program, and how to put the strengths to good use creating a sense of acceptance and community. (2 hours)
Executive function skills are a broad set of skills that support the process of thinking and learning. Growing research shares the importance of executive function skills as critical building blocks in learning and as predictors of school achievement. Early childhood teachers play a central role in promoting executive function skills. How? Think play. Complex and intentional play, such as dramatic play and partner play, can be the springboard to inviting many executive function skills to be practiced and mastered. (2 hours)
Caring for infants and older children at the same time in family child care is challenging. Family care professionals need to understand current licensing and research regarding infant care (birth - eleven months). This lesson presents strategies and examples of best practice for communication, supervision, programming, and infant care routines in a mixed-ability, home setting. Evaluate your current practices in relation to best practice policies to offer the best infant care possible. (2 hours)
When Family Child Care (FCC) professionals are aware of CLAD—cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity—they are better prepared to support the unique and individual values, strengths, and potential of each child and family within their program. This module explores how to gather insights and effective strategies to support cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, and ability diversity with all children and families. (2 hours)
Restorative practices proactively strengthen relationships, build community, and teach peacekeeping skills. This framework dismisses punitive discipline approaches that lead to suspension and expulsion, relying instead on accountability to the learning community as a tool for teaching children to navigate social problems and take responsibility for repairing harm. This course introduces foundational strategies that prepare children and adults in early learning programs to build community by seeing, listening, and learning from each other. (2 hours)
Family child care professionals are responsible for environments, experiences and interactions that help all children in child care thrive and reach their full potential. The challenge is for the family child care provider to demonstrate how to meet the developmental needs of children of many different ages. In this module, providers can learn predictable ways that children change and learn new skills over time, to give the provider a solid foundation for daily practice and decision-making. (2 hours)
Child care professionals are responsible for environments, experiences and interactions that help all children in child care thrive and reach their full potential. The challenge is for the center child care provider to demonstrate how to meet the developmental needs of children of many different ages. In this module, providers can learn predictable ways that children change and learn new skills over time, to give the provider a solid foundation for daily practice and decision-making. (2 hours)
An amazing transformation takes place during the first 2,000 days of a child's life – the time between when a child is born and the first day of kindergarten. (2 hours)
The emotional and social skills learned as infants and toddlers have lifelong influences on a person’s ability to make friends, control emotions, work through challenges, succeed in school, and nurture healthy family relationships. This module describes best practices to support the development of emotional and social skills in infants and toddlers. Self-assessment tools are provided to evaluate current practices and determine areas for improvement. (2 hours)
Brain development affects all future learning, behavior and health. Children’s experiences shape the ways their brains develop. This lesson describes best practices for early childhood professionals to create experiences that support the development of physical and cognitive skills in infants and toddlers, and to use assessment of current practices to improve the quality of care for young children. (2 hours)
Children’s physical and cognitive growth requires an understanding of child development and instructional practices that support children’s overall healthy development. Learn best practices for preschool professionals to create foundational experiences, environments, and interactions that support the development of physical and cognitive development in preschoolers. Review and build current practices with assessment activities to improve quality care for preschoolers. (2 hours)
When children are expelled or suspended from schools and care programs, their system of support and learning is drastically reduced, and in some instances, halted. Non-inclusionary discipline practices such as expulsion and suspension deprive children of valuable education and care opportunities. This module takes a comprehensive look at the factors that contribute to the use of expulsion and suspension. Furthermore, it emphasizes alternative approaches and multifaceted best practices that show promise in both reducing and eliminating expulsion and suspension. (3 hours)
The foundation for problem-solving is grounded in emotional regulation for both adults and children. The ability to recognize and regulate emotions is needed to solve complex problems and social conflicts. This course explores multiple approaches educators can use to help children become creative, collaborative, and effective problem-solvers. (2 hours)
This series of modules on Positive Youth Development (PYD) presents you with knowledge and tools to successfully work with school-age children and youth ages 5 through 18. Because youth development professionals come from many backgrounds and work in a variety of settings, this first module is a good starting point in the PYD series, and focuses on basic information about child growth and development. (2 hours)
Adult leaders who work with children and youth ages 5-18 in OST settings need awareness for how culture might affect children’s development. Cultural factors include race/ethnicity, national origin, language, gender identity/sexual orientation, age, physical/developmental ability, family type, geographic area, religion, and socioeconomic status. Develop knowledge and skills to create an atmosphere that is welcoming, respectful, and promotes cultural competency for all. (2 hours)