When Family Child Care (FCC) professionals are aware of CLAD—cultural, linguistic, and ability diversity—they are better prepared to support the unique and individual values, strengths, and potential of each child and family within their program. This module explores how to gather insights and effective strategies to support cultural diversity, linguistic diversity, and ability diversity with all children and families. (2 hours)

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- Reflect and gather insights on one's own individual identity (culture, language, ability, values, and beliefs) to understand others better.
- Explore and implement strategies that are respectful and inclusive of each child's culture, language, and abilities.
- Identify approaches that increase responsiveness and positive relationships with all children and families.
- Define bias, and explore anti-bias approaches that support working with children and families.
- Understand and foster healthy relationships with children that include culturally appropriate behavioral guidance and support for social-emotional development.
- Plan intentional ways to review and assess CLAD awareness, to improve ongoing practices, and to determine strengths and areas for improvement.
¡Disponsible en Español!: Cuidado Infantil Familiar: CLAD – Diversidad Cultural, Lingüística, y de Capacidades