
Biting is typical behavior for children up to about 3 years of age. The first step to eliminate biting is to discover why that child bites.

Brain dance Part 1: Children’s natural explorations through movement

Approaches. Why and how children learn through movement activities. Research tells us that from birth to age six there is important learning happening. One important way children explore and learn about their world is through physical movement.

Brain dance Part 2: Awareness of movement, awareness of learning

Activities. Ways to build movement into an early childhood program to support learning. Dancing is part of our work with young children – we sway with babies, twirl toddlers, and teach fancy footsteps to preschoolers. Studies suggest that movement and dance are not only artistic, athletic, and healthy, but a learning opportunity as well.

Caring youth relationships

An experienced adult who works effectively with a group of school-age children and youth can be inspiring. The adult seems to have control of the group, while also encouraging and engaging the youth. This is not as easy as it may look. An educational background in teaching or child development is a big help, and experience enhances the adult’s confidence. What about the adult without this type of background? How can adults coming from different backgrounds prepare themselves to interact positively with children and youth in out-of-school settings?

Connecting play and learning

As early educators, we observe play often and see children making connections to a variety of learning skills and concepts. What we truly see is that play and learning are interwoven. To support and discover children’s learning through play, we need to “unweave” the threads of play and become familiar with what to look for.

Developmental Milestones

A series of developmental charts with cognitive, social and emotional, and physical milestones. These handouts are available in English and Spanish.

Early Intervention (EI): Helping children to develop to their full potential

While all children develop and grow at their own unique rate, some may experience developmental delays and need extra help and support. An awareness of early intervention (EI) is valuable for adults caring for children.

Emotional wellness: Understanding its importance

Children, including infants and toddlers, are not too young to have mental health problems. Adults who work with children recognize that emotional wellness lays the foundation for learning and positive well being.

Executive function: What’s play got to do with it?

There are simple, strategic choices that a teacher can make in the classroom to nurture a child’s executive function development. Some easy to implement ideas include enrich play, reinforce step-by-step routines, encourage storytelling, stop look and listen, time, and calming space.

Fun with four-year-olds

What to expect from four-year-olds and fun, easy play ideas. Full of energy. Silly. Pretenders. These are all good ways to describe four-year-olds. They are imaginative. They have discovered humor and enjoy telling “jokes.” They love to talk and ask questions. Four-year-olds are building self-confidence and like trying new things. They may overestimate their abilities and “leap before they look.”

Helping children with sad times

Have you ever had a friend move away? Have you had a pet die? Have you lost someone close to you? Sad times are part of life, just as much as happy times. This is true for both adults and children. Here are some ideas for working with children who are going through some sad times.

I’m so mad! (Helping children deal with anger)

Strategies to help children learn how to work out and express anger in an appropriate manner. It’s normal for children and adults to have angry feelings at times. Karen may get angry at Lydia for coloring on her paper. Joel becomes angry when Kyle takes the blocks away.

I’m so mad! (Helping children deal with anger)

It’s normal for children and adults to have angry feelings at times. Karen may get angry at Lydia for coloring on her paper. Joel becomes angry when Kyle takes the blocks away.

Mommy, don't go!

When a child goes to child care it may be the first time that child has been away from his parents. It can be hard for a child when a parent leaves, even if it’s only for a few hours. But each child is different. Some will come, tell their parents, “Good-bye,” and they’re ready to start playing. Others cry and hang on their parents when it’s time for them to leave.

New Better Kid Care Resource on Social-Emotional Learning

As children develop social and emotional awareness and skills, they are able to more effectively build and navigate relationships, identify feelings, and learn to calm down and problem-solve.

Nurturing Learning in One-Year-Olds: Arts and Creativity

Can one-year-olds truly be creative? If we step away from artistic expressions of creativity for a moment and just think about the essence of creativity, the answer is a loud “Yes!”

Nurturing Learning in Three- and Four-Year-Olds: Arts and Creativity

During the preschool years, young children blossom in their ability to experiment with new ideas, including new ways of creating with art materials.

Nurturing Learning in Three- and Four-Year-Olds: Language and Literacy

The ages of three and four are busy times for language and literacy learning, including developing the ability to comprehend and tell narratives, becoming much more skilled at conversation, and beginning to understand the mechanics of written language.

Nurturing Learning in Two-Year-Olds: Arts and Creativity

When you think about art with two-year-olds, think about how to create meaningful art experiences that fit well in the busy world of twos.

Nurturing the Infant: Language

Children learn new words when they talk with others and have time to practice what they hear.

Nurturing the Infant: Learning About Me and the World

The caregiver's face and a baby's own body parts—fingers, toes, belly—are some of the most intriguing play toys that an infant can explore. Help him learn about himself and others.

Nurturing the Infant: Moving

Once babies become mobile, they need safe, open spaces to practice crawling, rolling, pulling up, cruising, and walking. Combining physical movement and music builds powerful brain connections.

Play & music in one-year-olds

Play is the central activity of young children. Play is the main way that young children explore, interact with, and enjoy the world around them. It’s where their inborn curiosity and creativity shine and where they can practice problem-solving and persistence. Play is self-motivating and is the best context for young children to practice making decisions and overcoming barriers. Discover what play looks like in one-year-olds and how caregivers can support it.

School readiness

School readiness includes the many skills that develop over time from a child’s birth through school entrance age. School readiness includes the areas of social-emotional, cognitive, language and literacy, and physical development. Another important part of school readiness includes a child’s ability to maintain focus on a task and show interest and curiosity in learning. The interactions children have with caring adults inside and outside of their families, each child’s developmental history and each child’s unique make up, all influence the development of school readiness skills.

Self regulation: Searching intentional practices - Environment

Part 2 of a two part series on self regulation. Setting up the learning environment to support the development of self-regulation skills. Although most children acquire self regulation through positive early experiences, experts suggest that self regulation is a skill that needs guidance or to be taught.

Slow down

Try a thoughtful, reflective approach to caring for children. Many exciting things happen in your day of caring for children.

Social Emotional Learning Resource Summary

As children develop social and emotional awareness and skills, they are able to more effectively build and navigate relationships, identify feelings, and learn to calm down and problem-solve. Check out our new Social Emotional Resource Summary that includes BKC modules, research to practice tip pages, and vodcasts.

Talking with preschoolers about emotions

Just like adults, children need to develop strategies for managing their emotions, so that they can build social-emotional skills. When children are more socially and emotionally aware and skilled, they can more effectively navigate relationships, calm down and problem solve when challenges arise.

Temperament – What is it?

Temperament is a child’s emotional and behavioral style of responding to the world, and researcher have found it is influenced by nine traits.

Terrific three-year-olds

What to expect from three-year-olds and fun, easy play ideas. Three-year-olds are a lot of fun! They often spend a lot of time watching and exploring. They want to please you and to do things “right.”