Children’s books can benefit young children in many ways in addition to building early literacy skills. They can satisfy children’s curiosity, help them think through tough situations, and support their growing understanding of themselves, other people, and the world around them. This lesson explores many different ways that children’s books can be used with children from military families to connect to the military parts of their lives. (1 hour)
Children who are learning more than one language are a large and growing group of children in early childhood education programs. This module provides an overview of the cognitive, social-emotional and language development of dual language learners (DLLs) as well as examples of how early childhood professionals can support children. Through the content, videos, and reflection assignments, professionals will begin to identify ways to support DLLs in their own care settings. (2 hours)
Before learning to read and write, children need to develop a variety of important foundational skills. These emergent literacy skills develop over time and are important in a child’s journey to becoming a successful reader and writer. Learn developmentally appropriate ways to promote and enhance the development of children’s emergent literacy skills. (2 hours)
Current brain research shows that infants’ brains are wired to learn and understand any language, but talking with infants is necessary for them to learn to speak. Discover ways to support language and literacy development in infants and toddlers. Assess current practices and determine whether improvements are needed to build foundations for language and literacy development in the early years of life. (2 hours)
High quality care for infants and toddlers requires more than meeting children’s basic needs for food and personal care. Quality is closely tied to a professional’s sensitivity and ability to nurture to help children feel safe and secure. This module shares information on best practices to offer sensitive, nurturing, high quality care. Assessments of current practices are included to determine if improvements are needed to enhance the care for infants and toddlers. (2 hours)
After school practitioners can build strong relationships with youth as they model inclusion and provide an emotionally and physically safe environment. Belonging is a critical element of quality youth development programs. Youth need to know that they are cared for, have a sense of connection to others, and that their environment is safe. This lesson focuses on how school age practitioners can create a culture of belonging for youth, families and staff in their programs. (2 hours)
The REDI (Research-based, Developmentally Informed) Program is a preschool classroom curriculum program that combines social-emotional, and language and literacy curriculum components to support children's school readiness. The topics in this module include: an overview of the REDI Program, supporting social-emotional learning, promoting language skills and reading readiness, and teaching the first REDI lessons. (2 hours)
Accentuate the positive. This lesson shares best practices for building community and supporting youth development. The emphasis is on social-emotional development but all areas of development are positively impacted when adults engage with youth in supportive ways. Get tools to support intentional listening, conflict resolution, and positive guidance. It is not enough to know a child well. School-age professionals need to use that knowledge to form effective interactions and connections. (2 hours)
To foster an inclusive environment, youth development professionals must have knowledge of and practice sensitivity toward youth who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ). In this module, participants will learn about diversity in gender identity, gender expression, biological sex, and sexual orientation. They will identify risks that LGBTQ youth face, and they will learn appropriate communication skills and proven ways to support LGBTQ youth. (3 hours)