Better Kid Care provides professional development opportunities designed for child care center directors and program administrators

Child care center director and staff member seated at a table discussing the program’s policies.
On Demand Education for Directors
Better Kid Care offers online courses that specifically address the professional development needs of center directors with content relevant to program leadership and administration.
These courses are available online in our On Demand distance education system. Search by a course title to start. If you are new to On Demand learn about the features or read the Frequently Asked Questions.
Courses for Directors
- Coaching and Mentoring: Supporting Staff (for Center Directors)
- Coaching Through Questions
- Developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Healthy Leaders, Healthy Programs
- Onboarding for Educator Success and Retention
- Social-Emotional Learning and Equitable Practice for ECE Professionals
- Social-Emotional Learning and Equity: Program Policy
Courses for Out-of-School Time Administrators
- Adventurous Opportunities in OST Programming: The Whys and Hows
- Click2Science: Connecting with Community Partners
- Click2Science: Conexión con Socios Comunitarios
- Positive Peer Interactions in School-Age Programs—Administrators
- PYD Mastery: Child and Youth Observation and Assessment
- PYD Mastery: Family, School, and Community Relationships
- PYD Mastery: Learning Environment and Curriculum
- PYD Mastery: Professional Development and Leadership
- PYD Mastery: Program Planning and Development
Courses for Improved Program Quality
- 911: Responding to Medical Emergencies
- Antiracism (Part 1): Self-Awareness and Communication
- Antiracism (Part 2) Program Policy and Family Engagement
- Hablar y Pensar Sobre Políticas y Prácticas de Salud
- Children's Grief, Loss, and Healing
- Children’s Healthy Development in a Changing Climate
- Positive Work Environments—Where Programs and Educators Thrive!
- Prevent Expulsion and Suspension: Effective Practices and Promising Directions
- Prioritizing Educator Well-being Through COVID and Beyond
- Priorizar el Bienestar del Educador a Través de COVID y Más Allá
- Supporting the Child Vaccination Decision Process
- Talk and Think About Health Policies and Practices
- Transition Plans, Practices, and Approaches: Pathways for Success
Better Kid Care’s On Demand system has an option to prepay for multiple professional development courses for you and/or your staff.
We know you are key to your staff’s professional development, and we want to help! Better Kid Care's online professional development assists early care and education (ECE) and out-of-school time (OST) providers in obtaining research-based professional development and satisfying some state-specific professional development requirements.
Better Kid Care’s On Demand materials have the flexibility to be used by programs to support a range of professional development formats—mentoring, coaching, microlearning, hybrid learning, and more!