Caring youth relationships

An experienced adult who works effectively with a group of school-age children and youth can be inspiring. The adult seems to have control of the group, while also encouraging and engaging the youth. This is not as easy as it may look. An educational background in teaching or child development is a big help, and experience enhances the adult’s confidence. What about the adult without this type of background? How can adults coming from different backgrounds prepare themselves to interact positively with children and youth in out-of-school settings?

Developmental Milestones

A series of developmental charts with cognitive, social and emotional, and physical milestones. These handouts are available in English and Spanish.

New Better Kid Care Resource on Social-Emotional Learning

As children develop social and emotional awareness and skills, they are able to more effectively build and navigate relationships, identify feelings, and learn to calm down and problem-solve.

Social Emotional Learning Resource Summary

As children develop social and emotional awareness and skills, they are able to more effectively build and navigate relationships, identify feelings, and learn to calm down and problem-solve. Check out our new Social Emotional Resource Summary that includes BKC modules, research to practice tip pages, and vodcasts.

Understanding Temperament and “Goodness-of-fit” in Your Classroom

Have you ever wondered why some children respond differently to the exact same event?

Who am I?

This is a question that youth wrestle with, trying out different personas and experimenting with activities, attitudes, and friend groups, trying to find something that fits with their personal assets and giftedness. They are thinking deeply about culture and the groups with which they identify. Children as young as preschoolers are not only aware of, but struggling to understand and find, where they fit in a diverse environment. A child is simultaneously developing a future “possible” self—an image of what they might become.