Better Kid Care distance education courses appropriate for school-age practitioners

Go to the School-age menu in the On Demand system to access these courses and more as they are added to our menu for school-age professionals.
The BKC On Demand system has numerous topics that while written for a broader audience, may be of interest to the OST educator, including topics like anti-racism, finding wonder, emergency preparedness, observation, and healthy environments. The courses listed below have been written specifically for the OST audience/setting.
10 online modules to support PYD practices based on the National Afterschool Association’s Core Knowledge, Skills, and Competencies for Afterschool and Youth Development Professionals. 20 hours of professional development, available anytime, anywhere.
Online STEM professional development for out-of-school providers. Twenty modules available in English and Spanish.
Using Penn State Better Kid Care’s online, On Demand system, is an easy, affordable, and convenient way to obtain the required 45 hours of professional development for the SAPC 3-year or 5-year renewal. Just remember to save your Certificates of Completion to document your learning.