We know you are key to your staff’s professional development, and we want to help! Better Kid Care's online professional development assists early care and education (ECE) and out-of-school time (OST) providers in obtaining research-based professional development and satisfying some state-specific professional development requirements.

Set New Staff Up for Success

Better Kid Care can help equip your team with the skills and knowledge to thrive as effective ECE/OST professionals. On Demand offers access to more than 300 training opportunities, including:

Visit On Demand Course List and explore professional development opportunities for early learning and school-age professionals.

Promote Well-Being and Retention

Professional development and program support that promote educator well-being are key factors in ensuring career longevity and retention.

Summer Staff Training

Are you hiring additional staff for summer? Better Kid Care can help you bring them up to speed and get them in compliance with staffing regulations. View our recommendations of essential courses for new summer staff.

Research-to-practice articles—Professionalism and Leadership

Enjoy these quick, readable articles about components of professionalism and leadership for ECE/OST leaders and staff.