A list of food and nutrition resource pages
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Nutrition activity ideas, cooking activities, and nutritous and easy recipes for snacks and meals for children.
Are you ready for some yummy fruit snacks? Choosing snacks made of fruit is a good step in eating healthy. Another healthy step is in properly cleaning fruit.
Among food allergens, peanuts are one of the most common for children. An allergic reaction occurs when the body’s immune system identifies a protein in the food as an allergen and produces antibodies to it.
Consider using sandwich spreads for sandwich fillers. Children can help you make the spreads and then make their own sandwiches. This makes preparation easier for you, provides an interesting nutrition experience for children, teaches self-help skills, and promotes family-style meal service.
Introducing new and healthy food is a part of the work of caring for children.
Salad bar style lunches present children healthy choices and can be relatively easy to offer.
According to some, the chickpea has been around for some 7,500 years! Because the chick pea is from the legume family, it is a wonderful high fiber and protein source to build lunches and snacks around. And kids love them!
Did you know that talking at mealtimes can support early language and literacy development?
Incorporating snack time with outside time can lead to fun and good health! Think how enjoyable simple outside-style snacks can be: healthy food, fresh air, and lots of play.
Eating lots of fat can add too many calories. As a result, eating foods high in fat content can add to weight gain over time (and may lead to diabetes at an early age) and add to unhealthy eating habits and lifestyles. However, children do need some fat from foods to be healthy.