Introducing new and healthy food is a part of the work of caring for children.

Taste Tests

Introducing new and healthy food is a part of the work of caring for children. Children's experiences with food can be varied; for some children it is quite easy to try new things, but for others it can create anxiety. Taste tests are a great way to experience new foods in smaller portions (not as overwhelming as a whole meal) and to help children learn to try new foods.

Think about your menus, the foods you plan to introduce, or any new foods you may wish the children to try. These foods might best be offered in a taste test first. Taste tests can be a interesting way for children to explore, identify, discuss, and try new foods.

Note: Taste testing is not for infants. Also, taste testing is optional and should be gently encouraged, not forced.

Taste test tip: Scientists state there are four basic food tastes: sweet, sour, salty, or bitter. Even so, introduce more taste-related vocabulary, such as delicious, mouth-watering, bland, terrible, stale, unpleasant, unsavory, and scrumptious.

There are a variety of ways to offer taste tests

Offer activities such as "Taste Test Tuesdays."

Try up or down taste tests:

(for thumbs up or thumbs down) by offering four or five choices of something, such as different fruits, in small bite size pieces for children to taste, describe, and rate.

Guess what it is:

Step up the taste test by wearing a blindfold or closing your eyes and guessing what kind of food it is. Adults can encourage children to use descriptive language: "Tell how it tastes. Do you smell anything?" Which is it: sweet, sour, salty, or bitter?" Discuss these four tastes with children to be sure they are familiar. Then a variety of very small pieces of foods children can categorize into sweet, sour, salty, or bitter (record children's ideas). Foods to try include lemons, limes, oranges, apples, cookies, crackers, onions, and dark unsweetened chocolate.

What in the world:

Gather foods that may be rare or not as readily available or used, such as fruits like apricots, star fruit, kiwi, honeydew melon, and mangos. This taste test can be used with families. Invite families to share small samples of any ethnic or unique foods they may like to prepare or that they enjoy.

Taste tests tidbit: The taste buds on the tongue are important for the flavor of food. There are approximately 10,000 taste buds on a tongue!

Taste test chart (A good activity for when parents are visiting!)

Draw, hang a picture, or write the name of the foods the children try. Underneath each food picture, make a graph of who liked the food and who didn't by asking children to place or write their name in the appropriate column.

Dietary cautions

  • Be aware of choking risks and food allergies when preparing and serving meals and snacks. Think about the size, shape, and consistency when choosing foods due to the potential choking risks in children. Food cut in large chunks, small hard foods, and soft and sticky foods should be avoided. The top choking hazards for children include: hotdogs, meats, sausages, fish with bones, spoonfuls of peanut butter, popcorn, chips, pretzel nuggets, raisins, whole grapes, raw carrots, fruits and vegetables with skins, and marshmallows. Be sure that food is cut in small pieces (no larger than ½ inch), grated, or finely chopped. Be sure that children are closely supervised when they are eating.

  • Do not give honey to children under 12 months of age. Honey contains spores that can cause infant botulism.

  • Many children have food allergies or sensitivities to food. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, 90% of children's food allergies are from milk, eggs, peanuts, tree nuts (pecan/walnuts), fish, shellfish, strawberries, soy, wheat, and gluten. Carefully read food labels for potential risks and be sure to ask the parents if children have a known allergy or sensitivity.

  • Dental health is a growing concern with young children, so it is important to keep in mind that starchy, sticky, and sugary foods can cause tooth decay. Children should brush their teeth after any meal or snack, but particularly when you serve these foods.


Lunch & Snacks 13-3

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