Coaching + Mindfulness = Mindful Coaching

The development of mindful practice strategies offers a pathway for educational coaches to maintain a healthy sense of personal well-being and balance and enhance the coaching process. Mindful coaching practices nurture relationships, cooperation, creative thinking, and contribute to equity in the coaching process. The process of effective coaching can improve teacher practices, reduce stress, boost thinking skills, and improve child outcomes. (3 hours)

Coaching and Mentoring: Supporting Staff (for Center Directors)

The goal of supporting educators in their work with young children is to strengthen their skills and practices so that they become better educators. Providing quality professional development through coaching and mentoring is a key factor in improving the knowledge and practice of those caring for children, and in improving outcomes for children. In this lesson, coaching will be discussed as a way to support staff professional development, and as a way to support strong child outcomes. (2 hours)

Coaching Conversations: Support Quality Practice

Practice-based coaching is a collaborative partnership where coaches and teachers refine select skills and strategies, ultimately improving child outcomes. Carefully planned coaching conversations are components that support teachers along the journey to excellent practice. This module presents a wide range of examples, demonstrating a variety of coaching skills. The module includes many opportunities for coaches to practice and refine language for their own supportive conversations. (3 hours)

Coaching Module 1 REDI BKC

The REDI coaching model involves the use of specific strategies and processes to help teachers move from understanding the REDI program, to practicing it effectively. In this coaching module the topics include: defining the coaching process, monitoring and observing lessons, and assessment tools and their use in coaching. (1 hour)

Coaching Module 2 REDI BKC

The REDI coaching model involves the use of specific strategies and processes to help teachers move from understanding the REDI program to practicing it effectively in the classroom. In this coaching module, the topics include goal-setting and planning with teachers using the REDI Program Benchmarks to provide feedback. (1 hour)

Coaching Module 3 REDI BKC

The REDI coaching model involves the use of specific strategies and processes to help teachers move from understanding the REDI program to practicing it effectively in the classroom. This coaching module provides information on problem-solving with teachers during a coaching session. (1 hour)

Coaching Through Questions

Questions create a doorway to new vistas and fresh ideas. Every coach needs to be confident engaging with staff through curious, powerful, delicious questions. National and state coaching competencies specifically mention questioning skills. Learn to invite a partner to share perspectives and to think brave thoughts. Exercise your questioning muscles in practice situations. Document the question-answer exchange. Question yourself—reflecting on coaching strengths and areas for growth. (3 hours)

Develop an Intergenerational Program

(for Center Directors) This lesson focuses on involving senior adults in child care and education programs. Information includes how to recruit and train senior volunteers, prepare staff, and integrate senior adults into the curriculum. Discover the many benefits to both the children and adults in your program. (2 hours)

Developing an Emergency Preparedness Plan

(for Center Directors) Emergency situations can happen at any time. Child care facilities need to have a written plan in place, so staff, children, and families are prepared to handle any emergency situation that may arise. This lesson is a guide to assist you in developing an emergency preparedness plan for your facility. (2 hours)

Financial Planning in Early Childhood and School-age Programs

Administrators of early education and school-age programs need to develop skills in business and financial management to ensure long-term sustainability. This module will describe how to write a business plan to guide the operations of a child care program. Participants will also learn how to create a financial management plan (including written financial procedures). Finally, they will learn how to create a one-year operating budget. (2 hours)

Get Parents and Families Involved in Your Program

Learn how to get parents and families involved in your child care program. This lesson provides ideas for reaching out to parents and families and for improving your program. Identify practices for supporting families when their children enter a program and find ideas for building community with staff, parents, families, and children. (2 hours)

Healthy Leaders, Healthy Programs

Concentrating on well-being can help program leaders manage workplace stress and alleviate symptoms of burnout. The well-being of leaders is directly tied to the success of their program(s). This course's Six Sides of Well-Being Framework offers insight and tips for boosting resilience, reconnecting with purpose, creating balance, and overcoming burnout.

Keep Children Healthy and Safe: Reuse & Recycle

(for Center Directors) This lesson focuses on reusing and recycling to reduce waste in your child care facility. Directors will discover how to reduce waste by identifying ways to reuse and recycle and will create a recycling plan for their facility. (2 hours)

Keep Children Healthy and Safe: Air Quality

(for Center Directors) Creating healthy indoor environments for children includes recognizing situations that may put children’s health at risk, such as poor air quality inside buildings. Learn about specific factors that reduce air quality, how they can affect the children in your program, and practical things directors and staff can do to improve air quality in your facility. (2 hours)

Keep Children Healthy and Safe: Toxins

(for Center Directors) This lesson focuses on environmental issues in your child care facility. Directors will be able to identify potential environmental issues that can impact health and safety in the facility. Learn simple strategies on how to reduce children’s exposure to toxins and poisons, including how to watch for or reduce exposure to asbestos, radon, lead, mercury, and household cleaners, and how to find healthier and greener alternatives for cleaning. (2 hours)

Keeping Families Engaged Through the School-Age Years

Building positive relationships with families is essential to ensure quality learning experiences for children in afterschool and youth development programs. This lesson provides ideas and strategies to engage families and maintain positive partnerships with families through the school age years. (2 hours)

Onboarding for Educator Success and Retention

A dynamic onboarding program is essential for employee recruitment, retention, and long-term program success. In this course, program directors and hiring managers will discover effective practices and customizable tools to thoughtfully plan and strategically implement an onboarding program that supports new employees from acceptance of their employment offer through their full integration into the early learning program. (2 hours)

Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP)

The Out-of-School Nutrition and Physical Activity (OSNAP) initiative, developed by researchers at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, is an evidence-based program to support after school and other out-of-school-time programs to offer healthy foods and beverages, and opportunities for children to be more active. (7 hours)

Positive Peer Interactions in School-Age Programs—Administrators

Administrators of school-age programs can build a community atmosphere that encourages positive peer interactions and discourages bullying. Administrators forge relationships with staff that model mutual respect. They provide vision for the long-term goal. They lead a collaborative effort to identify behavior guidelines, determine consequences, and implement consistent behavior policies. They encourage open communication and invite constructive feedback. They review and evaluate results. (2 hours)

PYD Mastery: Child and Youth Observation and Assessment

This mastery module will enable current and aspiring administrators of children and youth ages 5-18 to explore the steps they need to take to incorporate a plan for child and youth observation and assessment into their ELO programs. This includes knowing what components to assess, understanding different types of assessments, and selecting and implementing appropriate assessment tools. Also included are ways to use the resulting data to adjust program offerings to ensure positive youth development. (2 hours)

PYD Mastery: Family, School, and Community Relationships

Administrators of out-of-school and after school programs for children and youth ages 5-18 are responsible for creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere that embraces all families. Administrators work with staff to create the policies and practices that bring this vision into daily reality. They prioritize and work together with local schools to support the development of cognitive and social-emotional skills. Administrators also cultivate community partnerships to produce mutual benefits. (2 hours)

PYD Mastery: Learning Environment and Curriculum

This mastery module is for current administrators, and those who want to advance into an administrative role, in extended learning programs serving 5- to 18-year-olds. Administrators will explore how to direct their staff to create informal, high-quality learning environments using positive youth development principles. The module will also help program administrators guide and support staff to select and deliver age-appropriate curricula to meet the learning goals established by the program. (2 hours)

PYD Mastery: Professional Development and Leadership

This mastery module is for current program administrators in out-of-school programs serving 5- to 18-year-olds, and for those who wish to advance into an administrative role. Administrators will explore how to model ethical standards of behavior; how to practice and train staff in continuous learning; how to identify potential staff leaders and provide leadership development opportunities; and how to advocate for resources to sustain high quality programs for children, youth, and families. (2 hours)

PYD Mastery: Program Planning and Development

This mastery module is for current program directors or managers, and those who desire to advance into an administrative role in out-of-school time programs serving 5- to 18-year-olds. This module illustrates the range of responsibilities of program managers, including use of sound business practices; hiring and managing personnel; establishing positive relationships with families and communities; providing high quality programming; and ensuring efficient use of resources. (2 hours)

Social-emotional Learning and Equity: Program Policy

This course, for directors, presents best practices and processes involved in crafting equitable program policy from a social-emotional learning (SEL) foundation. Building strong policy and practice starts with developing relationships and teamwork, actively listening to others, and growing one’s knowledge. Educators, families, and community partners are integral voices in the development of policy and practice grounded in equity. (2 hours)

Start Your IPM Program (part 2): Implementation (for Center Directors)

Take the next step and implement your IPM program to improve the health and safety of children and staff. Learn practical ways to turn your written IPM policy into action. Explore using IPM training to educate staff and parents, how to hire a pest management professional who uses IPM, and begin developing IPM action plans for common pests that could enter your facility. (2 hours)

Start Your IPM Program: Adopt an IPM Policy (for Center Directors)

Asthma, allergies, and other health concerns can arise from poor indoor air quality. Pests and the pesticides used to manage them can lower air quality. Using an integrated pest management (IPM) program can reduce both the amount of pests and the pesticides used, improving indoor air quality and health. Explore the basics of IPM and common elements of a successful IPM program for a child care facility. Use the content, videos, and activities to begin developing an IPM policy for your facility. (2 hours)