Advocacy – Spreading the word

Promoting the goals of quality early care and education – help children develop to their full potential, support families in providing a good start for their children, increase professional recognition of early childhood educators, and provide quality programs for all children – is seen as a fundamental activity for early childhood professionals today.

Embracing your community

With our society moving at a faster pace and its citizens becoming increasingly detached from each other due to advances in technology, busy schedules, and the frequency at which we move and change jobs, it is harder and harder to feel a sense of community.

Intentional early educators: Tell me more

Ways to plan for and implement intentional teaching in an early childhood program.

Professional confidence

Research in education, science, and public policy demonstrates that early educators hold immense professional responsibility for the healthy development of children and also for productive contributions to society as a whole.

Reflecting ethical conduct

Most of us have ideas of how we can be ethical. But have we really thought about what ethics means and how it affects our work? Where do we find informed solutions to the incredibly challenging dilemmas that we all may face at one time or another? How do we reflect ethical conduct?

What research tells us: Why early educators are important

No matter what their role, adults who spend time working with young children are important. Early educators provide multiple skills in serving children and their families. What are some of the critical links early educators provide?