Documenting learning can be a burden at times, especially in an active out-of-school-time setting where children are coming and going throughout the program time. Yet showing evidence of learning may be the lifeline to a program’s funding and survival. In this module, review practical examples of the “why,” “what,” and “how” of STEM processes documentation. Learn how to seamlessly document learning and how to involve children in recording their own understanding and accomplishments. (2 hours)
- Describe the purpose of documentation in the overall STEM inquiry process.
- Support children in individual STEM documentation efforts modeling skills used by STEM professionals.
- Identify a variety of ways that adults and youth can document STEM learning to make it more visible to families and stakeholders.
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¡Disponsible en Español!: Click2Science: ¡Tome Nota! Apoyar la Documentación del Aprendizaje de STEM