Children who experience adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) face an increased risk for social-emotional, physical and mental health issues. ACEs include abuse, neglect, poverty and other traumatic experiences encountered before the age of eighteen. This module promotes the awareness and understanding of trauma in young children and families and discusses the role of early care and education professionals in nurturing resilience in the children and families in their care who experience ACEs. (2 hours)

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- Define ACEs and trauma.
- Describe the effect of trauma on young children, families, and the community.
- Explain the role the child care professional and the early learning community can have in prevention and intervention of ACEs.
- Identify the essentials for building resilience in young children and families.
- Plan ways to incorporate trauma awareness into your early care and education (ECE) program.
¡Disponsible en Español!: Experiencias Adversas de la Infancia: Construyendo la Resiliencia