Early care and education (ECE) professionals who bring antiracism into their classrooms use culturally responsive teaching competencies to guide their practice. This course focuses on two such competencies: using children’s culture to shape curriculum and instruction; and promoting respect for differences within and between racial groups. In addition, this course explains children’s developing awareness of race as a social category and offers information on ways to support all children’s healthy growth and development. (2 hours)

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By taking this course, professionals will:
- Examine two components of culturally relevant teaching and use self-assessment to gauge current strengths and areas for growth when creating and implementing antiracist learning experiences for children.
- Practice using culturally responsive teaching strategies by responding to two emerging classroom conversations that center human differences.
- Create an action plan outlining two ways to bring culturally responsive, antiracist teaching practices into the classroom every day--specifically practices that promote a respectful understanding of differences and draw from children's home cultures.