Research documents that the pre-kindergarten skills that most impact a child’s future academic success are math skills and yet only 58 seconds of the typical 5-hour preschool day is spent on math activities. More than half of all three-year-old classrooms offer no math experiences. Gain confidence and learn proven strategies and programming ideas for weaving math into emergent and teacher-led curriculum. Receive resources to support math talk that can significantly improve a child’s success. (2 hours)

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  • Identify spatial, geometric, measurement, pattern, and number math concepts that are developmentally appropriate for preschool-aged children.
  • Describe playful math strategies to enrich typical preschool large or small group center play experiences and care routines, and how to connect these experiences to foundational mathematical thinking.
  • Express the positive relationship between teacher math talk and child math knowledge.
  • Establish specific math learning goals for the preschoolers in a group, based on knowledge of their current math understanding.