The Better Kid Care Program endeavors to provide trainings, workshops,and printed materials to child care providers, whether they be providing care for children of their own or for others. We encourage grandparents to take advantage of these services.
Pregnancy/parenting services for new moms
Counseling is offered to individual/families adjusting to the circumstances that have led to the grandparents raising the grandchildren.
As the CCIS (Child Care Information Services) of York county, we administer the subsidized childcare program for the county. We help low income, working parents pay for childcare (full time and part-time). We also help educate working parents and help them find quality childcare services.
We provide many services, including, the Crisis Nursery (an overnight or day respite assistance center for families to bring children from 0-6 years of age), Parent Support groups (weekly meetings held at two locations - the Lehman Center and Dallastown-, with free childcare), a Family Advocacy Service (we do home visits and try to link families up to available services and resources in the community), and a 24 hour hotline service for individuals needing support.
Provides classes for parents and other caregivers - emphasis on parenting skills, stress reduction, and effective family communication. For more information, go to:
We provide basic needs assistance for people in need. Assistance includes: food, clothing, utility assistance, rent assistance, and emergency prescription drugs.
Individual and family counseling focus on parenting/coping skills.
Healthy Community Network, formerly known as Healthy York Network, is a collaboration of private and public partners working to improve access to healthcare services for those in our region who are uninsured and underinsured. We also run a non-profit pharmacy in conjunction with our program.
Kids' Groups are designed for children ages 6 to 14 who are dealing with important issues such as divorce and separation, substance abuse prevention, body safety, getting along with others and coping skills. Children have the chance to meet with other children experiencing these same issues and discuss their feelings in a fun environment. Children are placed into groups according to age and social/emotional development.
Outpatient art therapy program for children 3-18 years of age.
This is a school, certified by the state, for providing diplomas for 10th-12th grade students. Emphasis is on serving students who have dropped out of school. For 12th grade stdents, the curriculum involves alternating between traditional academic classes and service site work, typically involving construction-type projects for which they receive small stipends.
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871