Weaving Wisdom Exhibit


  • Dorothy Christensen
  • Sandy Lopez
  • Grace Hampton

Conference Track

  • Arts, Culture, and Recreation


The Weaving Wisdom exhibit describes the history of this program, which was inspired by the participants' experiences in the Intergenerational Leadership Institute (ILI) program. ILI is a lifelong learning and civic engagement program for older adults as well as a generator for new intergenerational program development. The exhibit shows how Weaving Wisdom uses art and fabric to promote intergenerational and intercultural communication and understanding in diverse communities and cultural contexts.

This exhibit includes display boards of pictures, text, African fabrics, artifacts, quilts, baskets, and examples of activities from completed workshops. It also illustrates how Weaving Wisdom has evolved over time from a few single activities in various places to a broader platform of programs--with a range of partners and national recognition.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the Context of Intergenerational Practice and Approaches


  • Ilona Ballreich

Conference track

  • Environments: Building livable communities


This poster illustrates the connection between the UN SDGs and intergenerational approaches so that the latter can intentionally be incorporated in community planning for the future. The SDGs and intergenerational approaches recognize the interconnectedness of many complicated and persistent problems the world is facing, so called wicked problems, and that effective solutions require collaboration across disciplines and sectors. Intergenerational approaches to community development provide opportunities for addressing and achieving SDG targets.

Play to Live Longer: Designing Intergenerational Outdoor Space for Healthy Living


  • Somdeep Nandy
  • Prof. Hong Wu

Conference track

  • Environments: Building livable communities


This workshop describes a project in which Geographical Information System (GIS) information and other factors were used to identify ideal locations for green and intergenerational spaces within the Spring Creek Watershed, Centre County, PA.

Nursing and the 4Ms of Age-Friendly Care: An Opportunity for Intergenerational Growth and Connection


  • Erica Husser
  • Olivia Rubio

Conference track

  • Health and Wellness


A national movement is underway to improve healthcare for older adults by using the evidence-based key elements of Age-Friendly Health Systems (AFHS), known as the 4Ms: What Matters, Medications, Mind, and Mobility.

The Ross and Carol Nese College of Nursing and the Center for Geriatric Excellence in Nursing (CGNE) established a collaboration with the Primary Health Network (PHN), Pennsylvania's largest Federally Qualified Health Center, to disseminate the 4Ms in rural Pennsylvania.

In summer 2021 our Age-Friendly Care, PA (AFCPA) program team partnered with students enrolled in an undergraduate-level nursing class, Care of the Older Adult, to attend a series of community outreach events. More than 20 students were involved in providing older adults with information about the 4Ms and questioned them about "What Matters" as part of an exercise to inspire self-reflection. Responses were captured on note cards and pinned to a bulletin board where their "voices" joined others, helping to amplify the importance of knowing the individual as a cornerstone for providing care. Poster presenters share results of a thematic assessment, the online learning modules, and the worksheet they provided as a tool: "My Life, My Health, My Goals My 4Ms".

Exploring the Government-Sponsored Intergenerational Programs and Practices in Chile


  • Carolyn Henzi

Conference track

  • Lifelong Learning


This poster reports on results from a study of government-sponsored intergenerational programs which exist in Chile, with a focus on how they are organized and the extent to which they employ "effective practices."

A two-phase exploratory-descriptive qualitative approach was used to identify and characterize five intergenerational programs through a web-based search across Chilean ministries and a review of secondary data, and interviews with administrators, staff, and program participants.

Explored programs demonstrated a level of effective practice that reflects quality standards in the areas of planning, development, and implementation, however, more needs to be done at the federal level to establish cross-sectoral, inter-ministerial efforts aimed at ensuring that effective program evaluation measures are used and results are widely disseminated.

We Live with Nana and Grandpa


  • Beth Jester

Conference track

  • Support for Kinship Care Families


Author Beth Jester, whose newly published book (June, 2022) presents an inside look at the experience of being raised by grandparents from a child's perspective.

Growing Greener Schools: Science Teachers as Intergenerational Climate Leaders


  • Mick Smyer
  • Kim Mitchell

Conference track

  • Environments: Building livable communities


This poster highlights intervention elements and results from the "Growing Greener Schools" program piloted at the University Elementary School (UES) in Shreveport, Louisiana.

Teaching Forest History through Historical Interpretation


  • Sanford ("Sandy") Smith

Conference track

  • Environments: Building livable communities


This poster highlights a distinct intergenerational approach using historical interpretation through reenacting (sometimes called "living history") for building the interest, knowledge, and engagement of children and youth in forest landscapes. This approach has been used to generate intergenerational learning opportunities that lead to increased environmental awareness about forests and their conservation. The approach introduces a way to help young people see forests, not as a separate domain from their lives, but as an important part of history and their lives today.

Speak Your Peace


  • Nicholas ("Sunny") Rehler

Conference tracks

  • Arts and culture, cultural values and rituals
  • Education (Learning about other cultures)


"Speak Your Peace" refers to a wide variety of activities and events designed promote honesty, compassion, respect and understanding of others through deep listening and speaking. These endeavors, run in partnership with local organizations, ideally are both intergenerational and diverse with respect to race, cultural background, gender and sexual orientation.

Contact Us

Matthew Kaplan, Ph.D.
  • Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging