Intergenerational Placemaking and Placekeeping

9:00AM - 3:00PM


  • Margaret Sullivan, Principal, Margaret Sullivan Studio 
  • Matt Kaplan, Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging, Penn State University


  • Morning Coffee Break: 9:00-11:00 a.m. (in the Break Area)
  • Lunch: Noon - 1:00 p.m. (In the Gardens restaurant)
  • Afternoon Coffee Break: 2:00-4:00 p.m. (in the Break Area)


This session will provide experience-based guidance on applying the concepts of Intergenerational Learning Experiences to participants' daily work, including understanding community needs, engaging with partners to establish community alignment, building partner coalitions that are foundational for intergenerational program success, and designing future programs, places, and services that foster shared outcomes and positive community experiences. It will be led by Margaret Sullivan, principal of Margaret Sullivan Studio (an architectural design and strategy firm based in New York City).

Participants will also be introduced to the frameworks and techniques developed by Generations United with their "Sharing Our Space" toolkit [Nancy Henkin], Penn State Extension with its "One Community - Many Generations" community planning model [John Turack, Peter Wulfhorst, Linda Falcone and Neal Fogle], and a Penn State Landscape Architecture research initiative which lays out steps for utilizing GIS data to identify outdoor spaces conducive for development as intergenerational gathering hubs [Somdeep Nandy and Hong Wu].

Margaret Sullivan Studio works with progressive library leaders throughout the country to re-imagine the public library as intergenerational, vibrant, dynamic hubs of learning, creating, playing, and sharing. In this role, MSS has developed a series of workshops that assist institutions to design and implement placemaking and placekeeping strategies that foster positive intergenerational experiences for diverse and complex contemporary communities.

Participants in this session will create a future experience and leave with action items to put this vision into practice.

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Matthew Kaplan, Ph.D.
  • Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging