Graduate Programs
Advanced degrees that make a difference.
The Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education offers graduate programs that help prepare qualified graduates for leading roles in industry, government, and academia. Disciplines include agricultural education; community and economic development; rural sociology; energy, environmental, and food economics; and more.

Takes an interdisciplinary approach to community and economic development, with key themes like municipal finance, leadership, community decision-making, and more.

Prepares graduates for employment in college and university programs, non-formal educational settings (e.g., family and youth programming), state-level administration, local-level administration, private industry, and international development.

Doctoral and dual-title graduate programs in: energy economics, policy, and systems; the food system and its industrial organization; natural resources and the environment; and the food system and its industrial organization.

Addresses rural societal organization, including social change, community structure, population, rural community development, the structure of agriculture, natural resources, and the environment.

Handbooks and student orientation, information for international students, research integrity, funding opportunities, and more for new Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education graduate students.

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