Posted: December 15, 2017
Co-editors for this special issue of the Journal of Intergenerational Relationships are: Alan Hatton-Yeo, D.Univ, MBE and Alison Clyde
The past decade has seen an increasing recognition of the growth of social isolation and loneliness within our Society and communities and the significant and detrimental impact it has on people's mental and physical wellbeing. Research (Holt-Lunstad, 2015) has shown that the effect is equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. In addition it is an issue that is significant across the generations, with the Mental Health Foundation in the UK reporting that loneliness was a greater concern among 18-34 years olds than people over 55.
This special edition of the journal seeks to explore the role of intergenerational programs in addressing social isolation and loneliness and developing a better understanding of programs that emphasize building positive relationships that enable people to value themselves and the contribution they can make to others. In particular we are interested in programs that contribute to building neighborhoods for all ages that emphasize sustainable relationships and connection between the generations and identifying the factors that are most effective. We are also interested in innovative and pioneering work that is considering new thinking in this area of work.
We encourage papers that explore all aspects of intergenerational approaches to addressing social isolation and loneliness including any factors that contribute to the success of such approaches or may pose challenges. We seek papers that explore both conceptual and practical frameworks particularly that demonstrate how mutual benefit can be illustrated for both the young and old participants.
The special issue will include two categories of papers:
1) Scholarly papers (up to 7000 words) focusing on research, policy or practice relating to the theme.
2) From the Field papers (900 to 2000 words) that include program profiles, reflective essays, book and media reviews on key issues relating to the special issue theme.
JIR is the forum for scholars, practitioners, policy makers, educators, and advocates to stay abreast of the latest intergenerational research, practice methods, and policy initiatives. It is the only journal focusing on the intergenerational field integrating practical, theoretical, empirical, familial, and policy perspectives. Go to the JIR website for more information on the journal, including instructions for authors.
PAPERS ARE DUE ELECTRONICALLY (in MSWord) by March 31, 2018 TO ALAN HATTON-YEO. Direct inquiries to special issue co-editors: Alan Hatton-Yeo ( ) and Alison Clyde (
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- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
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- Office 814-863-7871
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- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
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- Office 814-863-7871