Activity 1
Family Food Puzzle
- Flip Chart
- A pair of scissors (to cut puzzle pieces)
- A puzzle template (one per family)
Activity 2
Making Decisions About Food --
From Me to We
- Sets of colored dot stickers (4 different colors), one set per family
- Copies of handouts 1 and 2 for each family
Activity 3
Dinnertime: What Does it Mean to Eat Together
- Copies of the handout: "Dinnertime" (one per family)
Activity 4
Sharing Visions -- How We Work Together
to Eat Healthfully
- Copies of the handout: "Sharing Visions -- Teamwork" (one per person plus one per family)
- Pens/pencils
Activity 5
Out with the Unhealthy and In with the Healthy
- Paper and pencils
- 1-2 pairs of scissors per family
- 1-2 food advertisement flyers from the grocery store (per family)
- Small paper clips (about 15-20 per family)
- 2 metal clothes hangers per family
- MyPlate food guidance system chart/information (can be same handout used in the Dietary Knowledge Timeline activity -- see section 2 of the FRIDGE curriculum)
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871