Activity 1: The "Think You Know Me?" Game
- Paper
- Pens/pencils
- Felt tip markers
- Clipboards for writing on
- Copies of questions
(unless they are written on the board in front)
Activity 2: RECIPE for Good Communication
- 1 ball of string/yarn per family
- Chalkboard & chalk, overhead projector or poster paper & markers)
- Copy of handout for Part 1: "RECIPE for Good Communication"
(one per individual, and one per family) - "Communication Challenge" cards
(used in part 2) - Copy of handout for Part 3: "Getting Practice Communicating about Food"
(one per individual, and one per family)
Activity 3: Coolish or Foolish -- Talking about peer pressure and food choices
- Laminated copies of "Coolish or Foolish" worksheets
- Pens and paper
Activity 4: Food Fight
- Paper
- Pens/Pencils
- Copies of handout: "Role Playing Scenarios"
(one per family)
Activity 5: Sharing Visions
- Pens/Pencils
- Copies of the "Sharing Visions -- How We Communicate as a Family" handout
(one per family)
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871