Time: 30-60 minutes


A basic problem many families have when it comes to issues related to food is that family members have conflicting ideas regarding what it means to have effective communication about food-related topics such as what foods to buy, how to prepare food, when to eat, and even how to eat. This activity allows family members to (1) express their respective views about how they would like family members to communicate with one another, and (2) develop a shared vision of a family communication dynamic that is conducive to helping the family achieve its healthful eating goals.


General Objectives

  • Participants will use communication techniques to family food-related issues.
  • Participants will create a vision plan for the family regarding communication and food.

Specific Objectives

Participant will be able to:

  • use RECIPE ingredients (see section one, activity one) to demonstrate improved communication in the family.


  • Copies of Sharing Visions -- How We Communicate as a Family --
    one per family
  • Pens or pencils.


Briefly review the lessons learned from Section 1 activities, and go over each of the communication components of R.E.C.I.P.E.

Break into family groupings and give each family a copy of the Sharing Visions -- How We Communicate as a Family handout (below).

Handout 1-5: Sharing Visions -- How We Communicate as a Family

Ask family members to work together in finishing each of the sentences in the handout in a way that describes what they would like to see in regard to how the family functions when it comes to food. Encourage all family members to discuss each item -- one at a time, share their views on each item, and to work towards agreement on each item. [The facilitator(s) should be available to assist families as needed.]

Encourage families to post their completed family vision statements on their refrigerators or in another accessible place at home.


Families might have some difficulty filling in the blanks. Encourage them to use as many or as few as they need. Each family is unique and their Vision Statement will reflect this. There are no right or wrong answers per se but the statement should be focused on helping the family as a whole find a cooperative and agreeable way to eat more healthfully as a family.

Contact Us

Matthew Kaplan, Ph.D.
  • Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging

Contact Us

Matthew Kaplan, Ph.D.
  • Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging