Provides foster care services to grandparents caring for grandchildren who have been removed from their home for protection from harm.
Basic Information
- Organization
- Children's Services of Huntingdon County
- Contact Person
- Deline
- Phone Number
- 814-643-3270
- Fax Number
- 814-643-7323
- Address
- 430 Penn Street
Huntingdon, PA 16652 - County
- Huntingdon
- Geographical area(s) in which services are provided
- Huntingdon County
Program Information
- Social/Emotional Support
- Child Care
- Children's Therapeutic Groups
- Respite
- Counseling and parent support
- Basic Living Resources
- Financial Assistance
- Clothing/Food
- Health resources/advice/advocacy
- Education
- For the Adult (formal or informal training in childcare; e.g. certificate program or continuing education course)
- Foster care training: initial orientation and ongoing opportunities.
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871