REST is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to providing resources and support for informal kinship families. Our organization offers family-centered case management, educational programming, a kinship support group (in-person and online), and service coordination.
Basic Information
- Organization
- REST, Inc.
- Contact Person
- Bobbie Johnson
- Website
- Phone Number
- 814-762-2933
- Address
- 7743 Curwensville-Tyrone Highway, Olanta PA 16863
- County
- Clearfield
- Geographical area(s) in which services are provided
- North Central region
- Approximate Number Of Families Serviced
- 30
Program Information
- Social/Emotional Support
- Caregiver Support Groups
- Children's Therapeutic Groups
- Legal
- Legal Advice and Support
- Legislative Action
- Basic Living Resources
- Financial Assistance
- Housing resources/advice/advocacy
- Clothing/Food
- Health resources/advice/advocacy
- Education
- For the Child (in schools preschools or other community setting)
- For the Adult (formal or informal training in childcare; e.g. certificate program or continuing education course)
- Frequency Of Meetings
- 1st and 3rd Monday each month
- Average Number of Participants
- 6
- Level of Formality
- Informal
Assistance Needed
- What assistance might your group/program need to better obtain your objective(s)?
- grant opportunities
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871