FRIDGE = Food Related Intergenerational Discussion Group Experiences. This is a curriculum to help families communicate better, learn more about food and nutrition, and work as partners to achieve their healthy eating goals.
PDF document, 615.8 KB
A ‘Futures Festival’ is an intergenerational community visioning event designed to engage people of all ages in constructive dialogue about community development issues.
PDF document, 623.5 KB
This publication is a collaboration between Generations United and Penn State Cooperative Extension. Generations United (GU) is the national membership organization focused solely on improving the lives of children, youth, and older people through intergenerational strategies, programs, and policies.
The primary focus of this website is on "Strategies for Engaging Older Adults in this Era of 'Social Distancing'." Includes links to webpages with a recording of a Penn State Extension webinar on this topic early into the COVID-19 pandemic (April 15, 2020). Website links are also provided for relevant video clips, articles, organizations, and other resources.
PDF document, 1.2 MB
This sourcebook is rich with examples of activities designed to break the ice and begin bringing the generations together. It’s practical and as accessible to first timers as it is to seasoned pros.
This webpage provides links to a series of short chapters on "Intergenerational Contact Zones" (2016). ICZs serve as spatial focal points for different generations to meet, interact, build relationships, and engage in joint activities. [Note: The same group of editors later published a larger collection of chapters on applications of the ICZ conceptual framework. Full reference: Kaplan, M., Thang, L.L., Sánchez, M. and Hoffman, J. (Eds.). (2020). Intergenerational contact zones: Place-based strategies for promoting social inclusion and belonging. New York, NY: Routledge.]
The ILI is a certificate-training program for older adults seeking new lifelong learning experiences, skills, and volunteer opportunities to contribute to innovation and change in their communities.
Information on resources and support services for PA relative caregivers and the children they are raising.
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- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
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- Office 814-863-7871
Contact Us
- Professor, Intergenerational Programs and Aging
- Email
- Office 814-863-7871