Better Kid Care’s On Demand system has an option to prepay for multiple professional development courses for you and/or your staff.

Directions for desktop and mobile for finding "Course Prepayment" in On Demand. After signing into On Demand, (1) Click your profile area, then (2) select "Course Prepayment" from the drop-down menu.

Directions for desktop and mobile for finding "Course Prepayment" in On Demand. After signing into On Demand, (1) Click your profile area, then (2) select "Course Prepayment" from the drop-down menu.

When prepayment is established, a code is provided to use for course payments. The code may be used by you or your staff to take a course with Better Kid Care; however, the purchaser of the prepayment code is responsible for the security of the code. The code purchaser can request email notification each time the code is used. The email indicates who used the code and what courses were completed. 

There is a minimum $15.00 purchase required.