Posted: July 19, 2021

During this COVID season, summer camps will not be the same for school-agers or the staff who supervise them. Here are some safe, socially-distanced activities that tap in to the joy of friendships and connecting in the good ‘ole summertime. (Fourth in a series)

A dozen creative summertime experiences for school-age youth honoring COVID-respectful restrictions

General tips

  • Find shade or create a canopy of shade to make extended outside, distanced time more comfortable.
  • Take as many indoor activities outside as possible, weather permitting.
  • Assign each school-ager their own beach towel, water bottle, and mask. Using the oversized towel will help students space appropriately. It may help for each youth to have their own set of art supplies--scissors, crayons, chalk, pencil--and one koosh ball, hacky-sac, fidget toy, or pair of rolled socks.
  • Updated guidance from the CDC--"Children's paperback books, like other paper-based materials such as mail or envelopes, are not considered a high risk for transmission and do not need additional procedures for cleaning or disinfection" (CDC, 2021).


  1. Decorate a fabric mask--Invite youth to decorate plain white cloth masks with fun fabric markers.
  2. Cut paper to music--channel Matisse, Eric Carle, or Vanshika Argawala. Broadcast some music and invite youth to make cuts in paper that is inspired or representative of the music they are hearing. Then use the resulting pieces to create a work of art. Create a physical or digital gallery of the music-inspired art. Stretch the experience by being creative with the paper--paint packing paper or newspaper, do nature crayon rubbings, or repurpose wrapping paper or paper bags.
  3. Fly a kite--One straw kite is an easy design. School-agers may be able to tackle more complex designs. Plan for time to build, decorate, and fly the kite. Supply lengths of yarn or lightweight string for sky-high flight.
  4. Weaving--explore different ways to weave and remember to research and explore the cultural connections…fence weaving, fingers/peg/straws, paper; consider using natural fibers. Here's one option for finger knitting.
  5. Drum circles--explore making drums from found materials. Perform group and solo percussion pieces. Host improv sessions.
  6. Change up your painting experience--using spray bottles and liquid watercolors (if you don't want a permanent piece) or food coloring, spray paint old sheets. After drying, imagine with the youth how/where to use these art fabrics. Paint using unusual tools like dog toys, hair combs or picks, a wire handle threaded through a wooden spool, cattails, willow branches, bamboo sticks, or dried flower heads. Paint by blowing through a hollow reed. Experiment with natural dyes--blueberries, beets, onions.
  7. Different artists/different abilities--Get to know an artist well. Many have interesting life stories that impact their work (for instance Matisse and Frida Kahlo experienced mobility challenges). Read books, do online research, and then dabble with hands-on art explorations inspired by the artist.
  8. Rock sculpture garden. Create rock sculptures, title the artwork, and write about them. Photograph them. As a class create a group exhibit in a play yard or throughout a garden area.
  9. Create individual nature/chalk mosaics or mandalas along a community walkway.
  10. Floral collage--cut a frame out of a cardboard box and stick a sheet of clear contact paper to the underneath side of the frame so that the "sticky side" is up when the frame is placed flat on a table. Allow children to cut a few flowers, herbs, and shrub branches. Provide tweezers and sturdy shears so that they can dissect the flowers and place the parts in a unique arrangement on the sticky side of the contact paper. Once the creation is complete, top the arrangement with a second piece of clear contact paper to preserve the placement and color and allow it to be displayed. These are especially pretty when hung in a window.
  11. Block prints--start with smooth, rolled, wet clay, wax, or another soft, carveable surface. Allow youth to cut/scrape paths into the surface. Allow carved material to dry/harden. Roll or sponge with ink or paint. Place paper on inked surface. Press down, then gently remove for a "print."
  12. Create with papier-mâché--bowls, lanterns, piñatas, masks, sculptures.

We are very interested in what these dozen ideas might inspire in your youth. Take photos, post to your organization's social media pages, and tag Better Kid Care.


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2021). Guidance for Operating Child Care Programs during COVID-19.