All adults working in early childhood and school-age education settings need to know how to support a developmentally appropriate environment for the children in their care. This includes non-instructional staff such as bus drivers, cafeteria workers, maintenance staff, office staff, and volunteers. They should understand the stages of child development, and be responsive to individual and cultural differences. They should know how to interact appropriately with children, co-workers, and families. They need to know program safety procedures, and be prepared for emergencies. (2 hours)

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  • Describe the stages and characteristics of child development from birth through age eighteen.
  • Explain the attitudes, knowledge, and skills that non-instructional staff need to gain in order to establish appropriate adult-child interactions.
  • Identify differences between children and youth that may be due to individual and/or cultural perspectives.
  • Point to program policies and safety procedures that are necessary for the non-instructional staff to know.
  • Summarize the emergency plan for the early education or school-age program.