Early childhood professionals can be a major force in promoting children’s nutrition and healthy eating at home. When you implement nutrition best practices, you can serve as a role model for families to practice these strategies at home. Learn how to communicate with families at three levels: individual communication, classroom communication, and program-wide communication and how to use a variety of methods to communicate with families. (2 hours)

View the course for free in On Demand
- Recognize the importance of engaging families to promote child nutrition.
- Identify effective strategies for communication with families about child nutrition.
- Identify solutions to overcoming barriers regarding engaging families about child nutrition.
- Assess scenarios and recommend improvements by applying concepts for family engagement.
- Select goals to engage families.
The EAT Family Style curriculum includes seven interactive, online courses. View information on the full series (PDF).
Note: At this time, this course is not available to Nebraska, Oklahoma, and South Dakota learners.