Ways to plan daily transitions to make changes easier for children.
A day in child care includes many changes and transitions that need to be planned for. A thoughtful early educator is prepared with written plans but also knows it may take more than careful planning to support transitioning with young children. Discover transition clues that help.
Visual clues
Consider using visual clues to help children transition. Visual clues help children understand, predict, and anticipate what may happen. When creating a schedule or routine of the day (chart or display), try using photographs and pictures that match. For example, you could use a picture of a napkin and cup for snack time. Picture schedules help children "read" the events.
Photographs help children manage in smaller contexts. Use photographs and pictures in helping children decide where to play or what to play with. Instead of looking at the whole room, they can individually look at choices. Take photos of all play areas and materials and make them available for children in a photo album, individual photo books, or a display. Visual clues such as these also help children who are developing language skills.
Verbal clues
Talk to children before a change occurs. When you speak to children to announce a change, try using a soft, calm voice, much like a whisper. A whisper gets their attention and the calm sound can model a calm transition.
Singing with children is another way to support transitions. Singing children focus on the transition experience, especially if the song is about the transition. Consider using songs and music to engage children, and remember children do not care how wonderful your singing voice is!
Involve the children
If a child is simply "told" what to do for a transition, he is much less involved. If a child is physically, mentally, and emotionally part of the transition, he makes the transition more smoothly. How do you involve children in transitions? Try using problem solving and questions to involve children: "Soon it will be clean-up time. What will you need to do to get ready for clean-up?" Ask open-ended questions to help children start to plan and problem solve on their own. Also offer opportunities for hands-on participation, such as having a child wipe off the table at the end of an activity.
Introduce strategies to children that help prepare for change. One teacher brought in a wind chime and introduced it as "the whisperer." When changes need to happen, the children tap the chime and announce what change is coming. This gentle transition announcement helps children plan for the upcoming changes.
Communicate with families
Communicating with families allows transitions and changes to be supported at home as well as in child care. Inform families of how your program runs and let them know of any changes and how you prepare for them. Parents also can provide you with information that may support their child through transitions. After all, parents know their children best.
Through the eyes of a child
Remember that even though you may be well prepared, transitions may bring about stress, discomfort, and even challenging behaviors. Look at the transition from the child's perspective to help you act with patience, use developmentally appropriate actions, and give authentic care.
TIPS 10-3