From the start of life (and some believe before birth), language can be brought to children in easy yet exciting ways. Think of what language connects for children: communication, understanding, emotion, need, social skills, literacy, cognitive associations and much more.

This language connection will be important in all areas of development now and carry over to later learning in life. With the tool of language, many doors can be opened.

Research shows that language connections are formed early on in life, most often in the first five years. How do early educators, parents, and those caring for children best support early language foundations and early language connections?

It's never too early

Language experts agree that infants need to be surrounded by spoken words. Infants are developing hearing, discovering vibration and rhythm of sound, and experimenting with making sound. As language is absorbed, the brain is making many neural connections that enhance brain development.

Equally important are the social connections made through language interactions with infants. This is where critical bonds are formed with parents, caregivers, siblings, and others caring for children. An early, positive attachment with parents and other caregivers supports strong emotional, social, and physical development.

Keep talking (and singing, reading, writing, rhyming...)

As children grow, along with their developmental language abilities, it is essential to continue to foster and spark language development. Young children are beginning to understand language and its function as their brains continue to develop.

With all children, it is important to not correct language. When a child says a word incorrectly, it is better to ignore the mistake. Young children are still learning rules of grammar and pronunciation. Calling attention to mistakes in language may make children feel bad and make them less likely to share ideas. Children will eventually learn correct usages by hearing the adults in their life model appropriate vocabulary and grammar through conversations, stories, and songs.

Are you listening?

Language experts agree that infants need to be surrounded by spoken words.

In your role of supporting language development, you need to become a good listener. After all, it truly is the children you want to hear, not yourself. It is beneficial to wait for responses, to prompt responses, and to allow for lots of discussion.

It's difficult and seemingly unnatural for young children to sit, wait and not talk. Let them share exciting conversations, stories, and experiences. Children often use what is termed "self-talk" or "private speech," where they speak their thoughts out loud. This is normal and an expected stage of language development, where they are learning to process components of language. Self-talk can give wonderful insights into how and what children are thinking. Be aware that children may add self-talk at inappropriate times, since many young children do not have control over speaking their ideas at early ages.

Early connection to language will be successful if you make conscious efforts to provide language opportunities for children. Becoming aware of each child's abilities and needs will guide you in choosing what is appropriate and stimulating in language development.

Tips 10-7

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