A nature journal is a simple format of writing and drawing ideas about the natural world. Nature journals are a helpful means to inspire children’s creativity, intellectual ideas, and physical competencies.
Naturalists, scientists, and artists use journals to gather careful observations of a location or item. Some nature journals keep to one topic, such as flowers, rocks, or trees. Your nature journal can have topics, chapters, sections, or simply be an open format to explore, observe, document, and learn from nature.
Journal materials
In beginning to create a nature journal, keep in mind that there is no wrong way. In general, there are two basic items needed to start a nature journal - pencil and paper. Young children need blank pages with room to sketch, write, and place things. Consider the following for nature journals: Loose pages - Blank, un-lined, loose pages can be placed on clipboards or taped to pieces of cardboard (used to provide a firm base for writing and drawing). Pages can then be placed in plastic page covers (optional) and put into a notebook, folder, or simply stapled or bound together.
The National Wildlife Federation's Green Hour has nature journal and nature notebook printable ideas. Go to
More nature journal materials
- Colored pencils
- Watercolors
- Pens
- Field guides
- Felt markers
- Permanent markers
- Glue sticks
- Cameras
- Scissors
- Plastic page covers
- Clip boards
- Tape measures
- Folders
- Tab headings
- Flower press
- Magazines
- Binoculars
- Magnifying glasses
- Reference books
- Rubber stamps
Journal considerations: Observe, draw, find, and photograph
Encourage children to record what they see and what they wonder. Adults can guide children to notice things such as color, size, shape, smell, and texture. Also take notice of the weather, the season, and the location. For younger children, it's easier to focus on a specific item, such as a tree or an item that sparks their interest. Brainstorm what is known about the item and what is not known. What do you notice is on this tree? Are there any flowers, leaves, or seeds? Is it smooth or bumpy? Who lives in the tree? As you see children starting to lead the observation, step back and listen.
Simple elements of drawing can be guided when noticing elements in nature, such as line. For example, children might notice the line of a stick - some are straight, curly, wavy, or have more than one line. Children can practice drawing the lines they see.
Children are great at finding interesting natural items while exploring their environments. These found objects, such as feathers and leaves, can be added to their nature journals. Found objects add interest and can also further explorations. Photographs are another way to extend observations and can also be placed in the nature journal.
Nature journalactivities provide the opportunity to practice and build skills in drawing, writing, and observing. When children create their own nature journals, they choose what goes into it, such as drawings, writings, items collected, and photographs. This makes for a meaningful and personal journaling experience. As we encourage elements of nature journaling, we encourage children to become scientists, artists, and naturalists.
Introduction to the Nature Journal, Smithsonian IN Your Classroom, http://www.smithsonianeducation.org
Help Kids Observe and Explore Nature, National Wildlife Foundation http://www.nwf.org/Get-Outside/Be-Out-There/Activities/Observe-and-Explore.aspx
Get Outside from the National Wildlife Federation
Tips 13-4