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- Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Environmental Economics
- Associate Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Extension Education
- Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Environmental Economics
- Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
- Professor Emerita, Agricultural and Extension Education
- Associate Professor Emeritus
- Professor Emerita, Agricultural and Extension Education
- Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics
- Distinguished Professor Emerita of Agricultural, Environmental & Regional Economics, and Demography
- Associate Professor Emerita
- Professor Emerita of Rural Sociology
Areas of Expertise
- food systems
- sustainable agriculture
- agrarian change
- sustainability transitions
- Professor of Agricultural and Extension Education and Assistant Dean Emerita
- Professor Emeritus of Rural Sociology
Areas of Expertise
- mixed-methods research
- human dimensions of natural resources
- rural community development
- survey research
- Professor Emerita of Rural Sociology and Demography
Areas of Expertise
- Community change and family and individual well-being
- Rural youth
- Consequences of Marcellus Shale development for families and communities
- Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Extension Education
- Former Director, Penn State Better Kid Care Program
Areas of Expertise
- Early childhood development
- Youth development and resiliency
- Early care and education workforce development
- Childhood obesity prevention
- Professor and Associate Dean Emeritus
- Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Extension Education
Areas of Expertise
- Program Development
- Program Evaluation
- Research Methods
- International Agricultural Development
- Professor Emerita of Rural Sociology
Areas of Expertise
- Gender and Agriculture
- Women Farmers
- Sustainable Agriculture
- Gender and Climate Change
- Associate Professor Emerita
- 4-H Curriculum Specialist
- Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Environmental Economics
- Professor Emeritus of Agricultural Economics
- Professor emerita of Rural Sociology and Demography
Areas of Expertise
- rural poverty and livelihoods
- spatial inequality
- gender and development
- gender, disaster, and climate change
- Professor of Agricultural Economics
Areas of Expertise
- Nonlinear, stochastic, dynamic system solution and simulation
- Applied econometrics
- Household and firm-level choice & performance
- Computational simulation
- Applied game modeling
- Valuation of and economic adaptation to extreme events (e.g. climate change)
- Distinguished Professor Emerita
- Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Extension Education
- Professor Emeritus of Extension Education