Edgar Yoder, Ph.D.
- Professor Emeritus, Agricultural and Extension Education
- Professor Emeritus of Extension Education
- Email epy@psu.edu
- B.S.A., The Ohio State University
- M.S., The Ohio State University
- Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Research Interests
Program evaluation
Management effectiveness
Higher education curriculum reform - educational change in rural schools & communities
Qualitative and quantitative research design
Applied data analysis
Courses Taught
AEE 501, Foundations of AEE
AEE 508, Administration and Supervision
AEE 520, Research Design
AEE 521, Basic Data Analysis
AEE 596D, SPSS & NVIVO Applications
AEE 597A, Program Planning and Evaluation
AEE 597B, Multivariate Data Analysis
Smolleck and Yoder. (2009). Further Development and Validation of the Teaching Science as Inquiry (TSI) Instrument School Science and Mathematics Journal.
Mao and Yoder. (2009). Self Regulated Learning Skills and Perceptions of Assessment for Learning. Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education.
Smolleck, Zembal-Saul, and Yoder. (2008). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Preservice Teachers' Self Efficacy in Regard to the Teaching of Science as Inquiry. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 17 (2). pp. 137-163.
Sherwani and Yoder. (2007). Examining Factors in School Teacher Retentions & Attrition: A Binary Logistic Regression Analysis. Proceedings of the 5th Annual Hawaii International Conference on Education. .
Persaud, Salter, Yoder, and Freeman. (2006). Speaking Out on the Chilly Classroom Climate—Women Studnets in Engineering. Proceedings of the The 36th ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. American Society of Engineering Education (ASSE). San Diego. .
Smolleck, Zembal-Saul, and Yoder. (2006). Development and Validation of an Instrument to Measure Preservice Teachers' Self Efficacy in Regard to the Teaching of Science as Inquiry. Journal of Science Teacher Education. 17 (2). pp. 137-163.
Persaud, Salter, Yoder, and Freeman. (2005). Speaking Out on the Chilly Classroom Climate—Women Engineering Students Tell All. Proceedings of the 35th Frontiers in Education Conference: Pedagogies and Technologies for the Emerging Global Economy. American Society of Engineering Education (ASSE). Indianapolis, Indiana.
Dira-Smolleck, Yoder, and Zembel-Saul. (2004). Validation of Instrument to Measure Preservice Teachers' Self Efficacy in Regard to Teaching Science as Inquiry. Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching Conference. Vancouver, Canada.
Lee, Yoder, Godbey, and Zhu. (2004). Compute Usage and the Internet: Facilitating a Leisure Life Style Among Older Adults. Proceedings of the Eighth World Leisure Conference. Brisbane, Australia.
AL-Subaiee, Thomson, and Yoder. (2004). Extension Agents' Perceptions Regarding Sustainable Agriculture in the Riyadh Region of Saudi Arabia. Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education. 12 (1). 5-14.