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- Ph.D. Student, Rural Sociology
Areas of Expertise
- Population-Environment
- Climate Mobilities
- Food Security
- Climate Adaptation
- Rural Sociology & Human Dimensions of Natural Resources
- Ph.D. Candidate
- Master's Student (Education Development & Community Engagement: EDCE)
- Agricultural & Extension Education (AEE)
- Grad Assistant, Office of Undergraduate Education
- Rural Sociology Grad Student
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- PhD Candidate in Rural Sociology & Human Dimensions of Natural Resources and the Environment
Areas of Expertise
- Marine Social Science
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Human Ecology
- Indigenous Studies
- Political Ecology
- Ph.D. Student, Rural Sociology & Demography
Areas of Expertise
- International Development
- Monitoring and Evaluation
- Sustainability
- Multisectoral Engagement
- Climate Mobility for Coastal Islands
- Coastal Livelihood Adaptation
- MS student, Rural Sociology
Areas of Expertise
- International development
- Gender and agricultural development
- Agricultural policies in developing countries
- Resilience in coastal communities
- Indigenous food systems
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology
- Ph.D Student in Energy, Environment, and Food Economics (EEFE)
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology
- Ph.D. Student, Rural Sociology
Areas of Expertise
- Food Systems
- Environmental Sociology
- Community Development
- Qualitative Research Methods
- Sociology of Religion
- Cultural Sociology
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology
- Graduate Research Assistant
- Ph.D. in Energy, Environment, and Food Economics
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
Areas of Expertise
- Environmental Economics
- Behavioral Economics
- Micro-econometrics
- Water Policies
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- Natural Resource Management
- Grad Student in Rural Sociology
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology & International Agriculture and Development (INTAD)
Areas of Expertise
- Community and International Development
- Sociology of Agriculture and Food
- Gender and Sustainable Agriculture
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, & Food Economics
- Ph.D. Student in Rural Sociology
- PhD Candidate, Rural Sociology & Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Areas of Expertise
- Women's empowerment in agriculture
- International development
- Climate change and gender in agriculture
- Gender and migration
- Food-systems labor and exploitation
- Global Teacher in Residence (GTAN)
- Education Development & Community Engagement Graduate Assistant
- Ph.D. Candidate, Rural Sociology & Minor in Geography
Areas of Expertise
- Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems
- International Agriculture and Development
- Water-Energy-Food Nexus
- Agricultural Innovation Systems
- Sustainable Rural Livelihoods
- Ph.D. student, Rural Sociology & Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Areas of Expertise
- Gender and Development
- Sociology of Agriculture and Food Systems
- Migration, Gender, and Labor Relations
- Decolonial Latinx Feminism
- Graduate Student
- MS in Education, Development, and Community Engagement (EDCE) Program
- Graduate Student, Rural Sociology
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- Graduate Student
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, & Food Economics
- Ph.D. Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Food Economics
- 1st-Year Ph.D. Student