The CED URJ encourages all CED undergraduates to submit manuscripts for consideration.

CED Undergraduate Research Journal Submission Form

The Pennsylvania State University

College of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education (AESE)

Spring 2016

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Full Name:

Graduation Year:
CED Major Option:
Title and Category of Submission:


Each submission must be an analysis of community, environment, and development issues that fall within three CED options. Articles can be submitted in one of the three categories: (1) full-length research paper (2) short essays (3) book reviews.

  1. Full-length research papers will include a full range of research design, including experiments, surveys, case studies, and documentary research.
  2. Short essays will include shorter conceptual pieces and fieldwork experiences.
  3. Book reviews will include reviews of fiction and non-fiction work that are analyzed with respect to community, environment, and development issues.

Format each submission to 12 pt font, Times New Roman with 1-inch margins, double-spaced. There is no length requirement, but keep in mind it needs to be a fully developed piece to be accepted into the Journal.

Please email your submission(s) and attach one submission form per entry to by Wednesday, April 4. Make the subject line your full name. Any questions can be addressed to the above email address. We look forward to receiving your submissions!