Calendar of Events | ||
July 8 TBA |
CASE Briefcase: Ag Business Why Financial Literacy? |
2019 PAAE Summer Conference |
August 12-13 TBA |
SAE Train the Trainer Entrepreneurship is CrucialMark Gagnon, Director Penn State Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Web Recording: |
State College, PA Digital Event |
September TBA |
Funding the Fun: SAE Grants & FinancePaul Heasley, Retired School-based Agriculture Teacher, State College Area School District Web Recording: |
Digital Event |
October 1 11-12 |
Food Safety Modernization Act & SAE Connections Charting the Course: Ag Business Foundations |
Fall Leadership Conference Altoona, PA |
November TBA |
Data-Driven: Statistics, Census, PA Products - Part 1 of 3: Publications Join Dr. Jonathan Tuthill, Instructor of Agricultural Economics at the Pennsylvania State University, as he gives an instructional 3-part webinar on using the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service website. Part 1 of this 3-part series focuses on using the "Publications" tab of the website to review the most recent and past census data for national, state, and local agriculture to include acreage, sales, commodities, etc. This tab will allow the user to create state or county profiles of data as well. Data-Driven: Statistics, Census, PA Products - Part 2 of 3: Data and Statistics Join Dr. Jonathan Tuthill, Instructor of Agricultural Economics at the Pennsylvania State University, as he gives an instructional 3-part webinar on using the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service website. Part 2 of this 3-part series focuses on using the "Data and Statistics" tab. Use the "Access Census Data Query Tool" to further examine agricultural census data at a national, state, or local level. Queries can then be downloaded into an Excel or Google Spreadsheet. Data-Driven: Statistics, Census, PA Products - Part 3 of 3: Quick Stats Lite Join Dr. Jonathan Tuthill, Instructor of Agricultural Economics at the Pennsylvania State University, as he gives an instructional 3-part webinar on using the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service website. Part 3 of this 3-part series dives deeper into the features of using the "Data and Statistics" tab from part 2, specifically "Quick Stats Lite." This tool will allow the user to gather multiple years of data on a particular commodity at the national, state, or local level. |
Digital Event |
January 6 |
Blue & Gold Resolutions: Ag Business Fun |
PA Farm Show |
February 8 15 22 |
Freezing Your Assets: Budgets and Net-Worth Freezing Your Assets: Budgets and Net-Worth Freezing Your Assets: Budgets and Net-Worth |
ACES Conference ACES Conference ACES Conference |
March TBA |
Articulation Agreements and Next Steps |
Digital Event |
April TBA |
Show Me the Money: Free Curriculum Resources |
Digital Event |
July TBA |
Responsive Programming (Wrap Up) |
2020 PAAE Summer Conference |