The Center for Professional Personnel Development is one of three centers recognized by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Bureau of Center and Technical Education (PDE/CBTE). At Penn State, the Center is housed in the College of Education and the College of Agricultural Science.
Our objective is to meet the needs of vocational education personnel across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
To develop digitally-literate, globally minded 21st century positive agents of change for agricultural education.
@TeachAgPSU develops agriscience teachers who are prepared to teach where learners are in need.
Core Values
The Penn State Agricultural Education Program cultivates and values agriscience teachers who are:
- Philosophically sound in career technical education principles and the three-component model of agricultural education including applied STEM classroom instruction, work-based learning (Supervised Agricultural Experience), and the leadership laboratory of youth organizations (FFA).
- Inclusive of ALL students and value diversity in their classrooms.
- Skilled in technical agricultural science content knowledge.
- Prepared to utilize effective pedagogical methods to successfully plan, implement, and assess agriscience instruction to impact student learning.
- Reflective practitioners that are devoted to lifelong learning.
- Servant leaders in the classroom, school, and community.
- Committed to the engagement of external stakeholders in a purposeful, systematic process for enhanced student, school, and community success.
- Committed, life-long members of a professional learning community prepared to integrate cross-curricular learning opportunities.
- Dedicated to academic proficiency while prioritizing the scholastic growth of all students.
- Digitally-literate, connected educators who are progressive in adopting appropriate technologies to advance professional growth and student learning.