Local Program Success is a joint initiative of the National Council for Agricultural Education and the U.S. Department of Education, with cooperation from the National FFA Organization and the National Association of Agricultural Educators.

This is achieved through seven keys to success in agricultural education: strong classroom and laboratory instruction (contextual learning in school-to-career language); supervised agricultural experience programs (work-based learning); active FFA chapters (a connecting activity between school and careers); strong community and school partnerships; marketing; professional and program growth; and program planning.

Source: www.ffa.org

1. Program Design & Instruction

Program Design & Instruction encompasses curriculum, instruction, facilities, equipment & Assessment.

2. Supervised Agricultural Experience (SAE)

The SAE encompasses experiential, project and work-based learning for high school students.

3. FFA

Students learn personal development and leadership skills through their involvement in intra-curricular activities with the FFA.

4. School & Community Partnerships

Engaged school and community partnerships are critical to program success!

5. Marketing

Key stakeholders are continually asked, involved, recognized and informed about all components of the integrated program.

6. Certified Agriculture Teachers & Professional Growth

Competent and technically certified agriculture, food and natural resource teachers provide the core of the program.

7. Program Planning & Evaluation

A system of needs assessment and evaluation provides information necessary for continual program development and improvement.