This page houses some frequently asked questions about the DIY program.

Frequently asked Questions

When is the deadline?
Applications will be accepted as long as funds are available. Deadline to apply for funding is March 1st.

How much money can I apply for?
As much as you need. Successful applications will indicate match/contribution by other sources (local education institute, professional organization, individual contribution, etc.).

What do I have to do after I receive the money?
Within 12 months of completing the professional development experience, you are asked to provide a contribution to the professional learning community of Pennsylvania agricultural education.

What is a "contribution to the professional learning community" or ROI product?
This could be many things. Examples might include, but are not limited to: Conducting a workshop as part of other PSU/PAAE professional development programming; conducting a webinar; creating a reusable Pennsylvania specific resource for all educators. This helps us evidence this as good stewardship of limited professional development dollars for agriculture teachers with specific "returns on investment". Please note, failure to complete ROI product will result in loss of eligibility of future funding opportunities from the CPPD.

Can I apply more than once?
Applications will be accepted from all as long as funding is available. Priority will be given to first time applicants to the program.

What do I submit for my Individual Professional Development Plan?
There is not one template (but examples have been provided). You simply need to show how this specifically contributes to your strategic vision as an educator and for you program.

What if I still have questions?
Call Dr. Foster at 814-863-0192 for individual coaching! We are here to help you!