Employment Change in PA Industries: 2001-2019

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This report explores the story of county-level employment change across industries in Pennsylvania between 2001 and 2019. Job creation and loss for Pennsylvanians fluctuated significantly by county and industry sector, particularly in the years immediately following the Great Recession of '08 and '09, but the Commonwealth's employment recovery is characterized by resilience.

Pennsylvania: Bust to Boom? Great Recession to Recovery & Beyond (2008-2018)

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The Pennsylvania economy peaked in 2008. Since 2008 it has gone from “bust-to-boom.” The hard hit of the Great Recession (bust) and slow recovery has been followed by post-recovery growth (boom). Currently the Pennsylvania economy — along with the U.S economy — is on track for a record-breaking period of continuous overall employment growth. However, the nature of the employment expansion is more complex across counties and industries. The 10 years of “bust-to-boom” during 2008-2018 seriously impacted local economies throughout the Commonwealth in varying degrees. This report tracks growth and decline in total employment and employment in major industries statewide, in Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, and PA’s five regions 2008-18. The time period includes the Great Recession -recovery (2008-15) and post-recovery growth (2Q 2015-18). Bottom-line: The report is a graphic look – big picture and in detail – of the geography of job change in Pennsylvania – Great Recession - recovery and beyond.

Pennsylvania Population on the Move: 2000-17

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Pennsylvania Employment on the Move: 2001-17

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Pennsylvania: Great Recession to Recovery?

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The Great Recession of 2008 is history and at first glance the Pennsylvania economy appears to have emerged unscathed. Total employment declined a mere -0.3% during 2008-14 – a loss of 190,000-plus jobs in the first year of the Recession was offset by five years of growth restoring employment to near pre-recession high in 2014. The minimal decline in total employment 2008-14 suggests a static, no growth job scene in Pennsylvania during the six years of Recession to recovery. However - a drill down to industries reveals jobs on the move with continual gains and losses in hundreds of industries during 2008-14. The wide range of job gains and losses among industries 2008-14 raises the question: What was the real impact of the Recession and recovery on jobs and industries in Pennsylvania? This report looks in-depth at job change in 19 Major industries and 256 Detailed industries in Pennsylvania during 2008-14. Special focus is on the impact of the Recession

Middle-Income Job Decline in Pennsylvania, 2001-2013

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Middle-Income Job Decline In Pennsylvania, 2001-2011

Business Cycle to Great Recession and Beyond

Pennsylvania: Road to Growth 2001-07 and Beyond


UA455. Free. Pennsylvania: Road to Growth looks forward to post-recession times with an in-depth review of the track records of Pennsylvania industries and counties from 2001 to 2007, detailing trends in employment, unemployment, and population. This publication also offers a brief appraisal of the 2001 recession impacts and statewide forecasts of key economic indicators.

An Analysis of Bank Consolidation Trends in Rural PA

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An Analysis of Gross In- and Out-Migration Flowsfor PA Counties

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A closer look at the relative importance of labor market and amenity differentials between origin and destination counties

Is the "New Economy" benefiting Rural Places?

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A model of employment growth in high tech manufacturing industries