Within the Penn State University system, there are numerous resources available for community and economic development practitioners. Penn State affiliate resources include:
Penn State's Center for Economic and Community Development helps create new opportunities for people living throughout Pennsylvania.
The headquarters for The Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development is located at the University Park campus of Penn State. The center is dedicated to providing research-based information that helps create regional prosperity through entrepreneurial and cluster-based innovation, while assuring balanced uses of natural resources in livable communities in the northeastern United States.
Various units within Cooperative Extension, including Economic and Community Development, are available to assist individuals within Pennsylvania and provide a wealth of resources for practitioners.
The mission of this institute is to improve understanding and management of living systems, landscapes, and human-environment interactions with the objective of sustaining and enhancing ecosystem services and human-well being.
Penn State Institutes of Energy and the Environment is the University's coordinating structure for energy and environment research at Penn State.
This institute encourages, organizes, and supports innovative research and training in the population sciences.
Academic home of the CEDEV Graduate Program.
The mission of the Social Science Research Institute is to promote research encompassing the wide range of skills and perspectives that are needed to solve complex social problems.
The Community, Environment and Development (CED) undergraduate major is a interdisciplinary degree designed for students wanting to develop the critical skills needed to solve the tough problems associated with sustainability.