Application Process

If you are ready to proceed to the application but have not read the Graduate School requirements, please visit that website.

If you have read the Graduate School and program requirements and are ready to apply, you may proceed to the application.

1. Complete the Graduate School Application Form

Applicants must complete Penn State's Graduate School application form.

As part of the application process, you must pay a non-refundable application fee (listed on the Graduate School's Frequently Asked Questions page).

You must submit (scan/upload) copies of official transcripts/documents (for institutions outside the U.S. documents may include marksheets, record of courses, degree/study certificate, original diploma, etc) from all post-secondary institutions attended and official English translation (if the language of instruction is not English). If admission is offered and accepted, then you will need to submit the official transcripts (or international equivalent as stated above) directly to the Graduate School.

Your application will include:

  • Contact information and background data on your education.
  • Three short essay responses to questions that address your preparation and goals for enrollment in the EDCE program.
  • Three recommendations that include a ratings form and a space for extensive comments from your recommender.
  • "Statement of Professional Objectives" - A 1 page statement of purpose indicating areas of interest and reasons for desiring to pursue a graduate degree in Education, Development, and Community Engagement. [1" margins, 11 or 12 point font.]
  • Transcripts (uploaded/scanned into the application as indicated above).

Note that the Graduate School's online form will ask you for your recommenders' contact information so it can contact them automatically. There is no need to submit recommendations or these other materials via mail.

2. Inform Us If You Are Not Applying for an Assistantship

You will be automatically considered for an graduate research assistantship unless you inform us otherwise.

3. Have Your Test Scores Sent to Us

Applicants are required to take the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) general test (verbal, quantitative, analytical writing). You should arrange to have an official report of your GRE general test scores sent to us.

If your native language is not English, you should also arrange to have an official report of your scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) sent to us. A minimum score of 550 on the paper test, 213 on the computer-based test, or 80 on the Internet-based test (iBT) is required. If you take the iBT, a minimum score of 20 is also required on the speaking section. Applicants who have received a degree from a U.S. university or a university in another English-speaking country are exempt from this requirement.

When you arrange to have your test scores sent to us, the institution code for Penn State is 2660. Our department code for the GRE is 0101. For the TOEFL, use department code 80 (other social sciences).

International Applicants

If you are not a U.S. citizen, you should visit the University Office of Global Programs to understand the steps for application.