Courses Required of All EDCE Graduate Students

AEE 501 - Foundations of AEE
AEE/AYFCE - 590 Colloquium (Meets PSU SARI requirement)

Educational Processes

AEE 515 - Engagement Through Outreach Scholarship in Higher Education
AEE 524 - Change in Education
AEE 530 - Teaching and Learning in Agricultural Science
AEE 400 - Educational Programs in Agriculture for Developing Countries
AEE 412 - Methods of Teaching Agriculture and Environmental Science
AYFCE 438 - Living in an Increasingly Diverse Society
AYFCE 439 - Contemporary Youth Issues
INTAG 481 - Problem Solving in Tropical Agriculture

Leadership Development and Communications

AYFCE 535 - Youth Civic Development
AEE 440 - Communication Methods and Media
AGCOM 462W - Advanced Agricultural Writing
AEE 460 - Foundations in Leadership Development
AEE 465 - Leadership Practices: Power, Influences, and Impact
AEE/CEDEV/R SOC 505 - Leadership Development
AEE 508 - Administration and Supervision of Agricultural and Extension Education
AEE 511 - Youth Leadership within Agricultural and Applied Sciences

Program Development

AEE 413 - Program Planning and Instructional Development
AEE 418 - Effective Laboratory Development for Agricultural and Environmental Science
AEE 450 - Program Design and Delivery
AEE 455 - Youth Programs and Volunteer Management
AYFCE 470 - Consumer and Financial Skills
AYFCE 550 - Program Development and Evaluation in Youth, Families and Communities
AYFCE 555 - Volunteer Program Management
AYFCE 840 - Applied Youth Development
AYFCE 845 - Intergenerational Programs and Practices


AEE 509 - Contemporary Research Issues in AEE
AEE 520 - Scientific Method in the Study of Agricultural and Extension Education
AEE 521 - Basic Applied Data Analysis in Agricultural and Extension Education

Other Courses Outside of Core Areas

596 - Individual Studies
597 - Special Topics
434 - Agricultural and Environmental Development
495/595 - Internship

Mix of 400-, 500- or higher-level courses meet core requirements for an EDCE master's program.
Only 500-level or higher courses meet core requirements for an EDCE doctoral program.

Spring 2011